Thursday, February 25, 2010

So is the world having a problem with tissue paper being stuck to their ass? Why is the Charmin commercial with the bears always involve this?

Canada 7 Russia 3 dig it!!!

Never knew about the band Blind Faith until recently. The band members are Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood. Fantastic guitar work, and a complete jam band. I really wish I grew up in this era where I could really see bands getting into their own music. Now it seems like every band just wants to make a single and a quick buck.

Changeling - 7.8/10

There's been a lot of drama in these Olympics. First thing I see is that a person has died, and then the figure skaters mom passes away and she skates anyways. And lastly the dutch dude with his coach telling him to go into a different lane and then he gets disqualified. Out of all the Olympics that I have seen I don't remember this drama with any other.

So apparently I enjoy dark beer now.

Sara and I just had our 2nd anniversary, not much has changed still no kids, still no house, and we still live to travel.

Figured out how to make curry chicken recently. It's extremely easy.

I think it might be time for a new computer, 7 years is what I got out of it.

Trying to figure out what dvds to take to Nicaragua, I think it might be Dollhouse Season 2, and a whole bunch of newer movies. Any suggestions for different seasons?

Fantastic deal last week on Travel Zoo for those that are looking for a getaway. Niagara on the lake suite, $50.00 dining credit, $25.00 spa credit, 2 Breakfast buffets, and 2 wine tastings at the Peller Estates. All for $99.99.

Top 3 favorite countries that I have visited

3 - Costa Rica
2 - Venezuela
1 - Vietnam

David Wilcox is playing in Listowel for Paddyfest. This is the first time in a long time they got somebody that's a somebody. One year they had a Creed tribute band. Who starts a Creed tribute band anyways. I had a party after the concert and they offered to play in my basement, we declined.

Italian wine is delicious, but I must say that Chilean wine is still my favorite and the best priced.

Next year is going to be full of weddings. 3 of my good friends got engaged over the past few months. But everybody knows that the bachelor party is where it's at. We aren't the usual group of friends which just takes our buddy to the strippers. They took me to Philly to see a Flyers game.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Back from Italy, still having a tough time with the time zone switch.

Leave for Nicaragua in about a week. We have a cottage rented there with our own pool. Should be nice to see some sunshine.

Food was extremely expensive in Europe, but you don't realize it until you do the conversion from the Canadian dollar to the euro.

So Canada almost lost to the Swiss. What is with the Swiss goalies against Canada?

Work has been almost unbearably slow since getting back. It's strange going from the go go go of traveling around Italy to the "what's the cheapest laptop?" type question that makes my mind melt.

The Jays are raising their ticket prices this year, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Team gets worse and are in jeopardy of losing a lot of their fan base by trading their best player. Why can't Bryan Colangelo run this team as well.

Baseball is fast approaching, favorite time of year, the lazy Thursday afternoon of baseball while enjoying a caesar.

Whip It - 7.9/10

Local Natives is one of the better albums I have listened to lately, folky feel similar to Band of Horses, but still has a enough rock to make it enjoyable.

Want to see "Spoon" at Massey Hall, but not getting much interest from others. The problem with Massey Hall is that it's difficult to get a pint since it's not a bar, but the music sounds so good there with it's acoustics that it almost makes better that way.

I would love to open a restaurant that played light indie rock, that had healthy food, and cheaper bottles of wine. We need an in between restaurant of a Boston Pizza to upper scale.

With our restaurants we are turning more and more into the states with our brown type food. Description - brown type food is basically food that is the colour brown. Fish and Chips, Chicken Wings, French Fries. Cheap to manufacture, taste wonderful, make you feel awful. There are way too many places like this, but it's fast and easy.

Sara and I have made a conscious decision to not eat out unless it's absolutely necessary.

Top 3 worst Daryl injuries

3 - Cutting face with wine opener
2 - Cutting finger with cheese grater
1 - Falling off mary-go-round and then lifting head and getting smacked in the back of the head.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Italy is tomorrow, looking forward to all the food and wine, but most of all Rome and all the history behind it. Cue the mysteries of the underworld music.

Feel like taking a small stroll through your Grandma's flower garden. Have a listen to the new album by Beach House.

People always ask me how am I able to travel so much. One of the easiest ways is to not give yourself any responsibility. Meaning I don't have kids, pets, or own a house. So Sara and I are able to leave on whim without any trouble. And if you really want to see the world don't go to vacation farms. Every Caribbean country is pretty much the same from the vantage point of a resort. I do understand the wanting to get it away from it all aspect, but people need to understand that you don't need to be rich to do the traveling that we do. Just be smart. Instead of getting a hotel in Niagara Falls for a weekend and spending $200.00 a night, why don't you spend a few more dollars and get a flight to Costa Rica. Once you get there and realize how cheap hotels and restaurants are there you will understand why this is generally a smarter choice. You also might see an animal or two while your in the rain forest as well. While in Niagara Falls you can just piss your money away at the blackjack table and then eat at the Rainforest Cafe. All in all both vacations will be within $300.00 of each other and you will get a week in Costa Rica or a weekend in Niagara.

Had a wine pairing appetizer party this past weekend in Oakville. Felt a little old manish at the start, but in the end it was actually a really good time. And the end result is always the same.

So the Leafs made a big splash on the trade front. Both trades they made were fantastic, if you can trade a bunch of spare parts for a top line d man you've done well.

Go support the Raptors as well. This is the best basketball they have played in many years, and if we want to keep Chris Bosh we have to show support.

Religilious (Bill Maher goes to religious communities and just asks loaded questions about their faith)


Started watching Stargate Universe. So far not bad, but I really wish Atlantis didn't get canceled.

There's face recognition software that matches your face to a celebrities face basically to tell you what celebrity you look most like. Here's my top 3.

3 - Eddie Murphy (don't ask me)
2 - Elton John
1 - Robert Downey Jr.