Thursday, April 15, 2010

What song are you most sick of? I believe that I have heard "you shook me all night long" more then any other song in the history of my life. Great song at one point, now I would rather give birth out of my mouth then listen to that song.

White trash is becoming contagious. I see more and more people that could care less about their appearance or hygiene. Grey jogging pants, stained white t-shirt, and hat on backwards that sits on the top of your head does not look good. Am I just noticing it more now, or have more people just given up.

Been successful so far in the doing everything that I want to do summer. Have done the following.

- Went to the Jays home opener
- Saw Bear in Heaven and Spoon so far live
- Made an appearance at Ad Astra

Hockey playoffs have begun, there were 4 upsets on opening night. Gotta love it.

The Jays have done their usual play well in April, then stink the rest of the year.

The Raps missed the playoffs and will now lose Chris Bosh to free agency.

How can a man hate musicals so much, but really dig the show Glee?

Xbox busted again, what the hell? Did they make the machine with wooden parts?

Clash of the Titans - 6.6/10
- Don't bother seeing it in 3D though, they shot it in 2D then converted it.

I can't stand paying money for bad food. Went to a restaurant in a hotel recently, the food was so pricey that we decided to get a plate of appetizers. Nachos, wings, veggies and dip, and a few drinks for Sara and I. The bill came to $80.00.

Off to Halifax for the May 24 weekend. Never been east before, but every person I've talked to said it's great.

VIP sale again at the shop this coming Tuesday for anybody that needs any electronics.

I am very pleased that I am able to sleep in again. I was in this awful habit of getting up at 5 and 6 AM lately, and unfortunately I can only handle so much of Principal Belding.