Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sara turns 30 this coming. I am in a wedding party the exact day she turns 30. I feel terrible, but what can I do?

Was supposed to go to the Lions thanksgiving game today. Things fell through and am now not going. Strike 2.

Watching American TV is frightening. These are the top 3 topics.

3 - You being hurt and wanting compensation.
2 - Too much debt and a way to get out of it quickly.
1 - Violence

Even though Surrogates was a bad movie. I can envision these types of things happening with the way people are scared of their own shadow now.

XBOX Kinect - worth the money
PS3 Move - don't bother

Slow cooked chili or slow cooked curry chicken for American Thanksgiving football today?

Movember - great in theory, but unfortunately not everybody looks good in a mustache. Most people just look french.

Raptors have won 4 in a row, and it seems as though most of the players that are there want to actually be there.

American athletes love to complain about Canada's weather. How many cities can you name that support sporting teams that are as cold or colder then Toronto?

DJ'd the other night for one of my good friends. Had a great evening. Tried my best to rock as much country as I knew. It's like finding a good book to read if you are illiterate.

Bauer Kitchen in Kitchener was fantastic. Had a nice jazzy vibe and high end food without the stuffiness of a gourmet restaurant.

Had a great Chilean red there. Unfortunately after too many glasses of this I cannot remember the name of it.

New Harry Potter - yay or nay?

The Future Shop VIP sale is today if anyone needs any electronics for Xmas. I will not be working today, but there are fantastic deals on TV especially.

If you had an unlimited amount of money what band would you make get back together and make an album? Guns N' Roses or I Mother Earth for me.

Band members have to be alive for the above question.

I think my worst nightmare is to wake up with Sara having dyed her hair.

Moon - 8.2/10

Best Kids in the Hall sketch. Everyone in the world becomes infatuated to a mans sweat. So they make him run continuously on a tread mill to make him sweat. To save humanity they cement his arm pits when people become too addicted.