Monday, May 30, 2011

While visiting New Mexico I realized how much tougher everybody in that state is then me. They ride their motorcycles without helmets. There is no such thing as eating fruits or vegetables. And if you order a glass of wine with your dinner you will be sent back to Canada with your Celine Dion albums.

Don't wear pajama pants out in public please.

The show "Happy Endings" is about a dude that's left at the altar and the way that it effects the group of friends in the future. There is no way you could be friends with a person that left you at the altar.

How long could you live on food just sold at the dollar store?

Water heater was busted when we got home from our trip. Having a cold shower makes me feel like I am going to be beaten for information.

Game of Thrones - 10/10

Having scalding hot gold poured over your head is a tough way to go out.

Just found out their is an app that is in production that will allow you to take a picture of somebody and it will bring up all the social networking that is available on them. Only females should be allowed to use this app.

The fad living room - a person, with a Charlie Sheen shirt on, playing rock band, with a wii controller in hand, on their 42" 3D television, and a red dog beer in their hand.

Top 3 New Mexico Memories.

3 - The Very Large Array (I still think it should be called the Great Array)

2 - Smokey the bear museum

1 - The town of Lincoln (Has all the Billy the Kid history there)

Jack Sparrow was looking in the wrong place for the fountain of youth. Eddie Murphy has it.

25% of the wrestlers are dead that were in Wrestlemania 6. That's a scary stat and the undeniable fact that steroids are awful for you. If you didn't already know.

Can Lebron ever be better then MJ, nope, Michael never had to win a championship with the likes of David Robinson, Barkley, or Ewing. Pippen was great, but he wouldn't have been near as good without MJ.

I always felt like I was going to run into the people from the "Hills have Eyes" in New Mexico.

Has anyone ever thought when they walked into a Future Shop that the Fast Forward symbol in the store was supposed to be leading them somewhere? Well one person in our store thought so.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Off to New Mexico this weekend. Going to check out the cheesy old west stuff, and the equally as cheesy Roswell alien type stuff.

You heard it here first. If there is a football season the Detroit Lions will make the playoffs.

Hockey playoffs have been a disappointment so far. 1st round was great. But after that, mediocre.

There is nothing more annoying then turning the channel to the Score and having horse racing on.

Sam Roberts, what happened?

Yes I know shows that start with the word "the" and have a premise of somebody with a super ability do fairly well in the ratings. Enough already though.

Begun to watch Fringe recently. Not too bad, once Joshua Jackson got over his ideas of everything just being too crazy to happen.

I believe each and every person needs to have their heart broken once to really find the right person.

Russell Peters, we know your family is Indian. New material please.

We can find faults in pretty much every type of food or drink. Diet pop has aspertame. Salads with certain types of dressing have more calories then big macs. Sucrose is in pretty much everything we eat. The reason Canada and the States have become so fat is because of the ridiculous portions that we eat and that we are too lazy and in too much of a hurry to cook our own food. It also doesn't help that most of our jobs don't require us to move whatsoever.

What happened to Tom Green?

Top 3 classic video games

3 - Super Mario Bros
2 - Contra
1 - Tyson's punch out

I wish I could press reset of all the great things that I have listened to or watched. Wouldn't it be great to hear Radiohead "The Bends" for the first time again.

The Rogers commercials are now the new worst commercials. Have you ever sat with a buddy in front of his computer watching a music video by Hollerado while commenting on how fast his internet service is?

Will Keith Richards live longer then me? I think it's 50/50.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conservatives have a majority government. The only good thing about this election is the fact that the NDP became the opposition.

TV on the Radio's new album is pretty solid. More chilled then previous releases.

Will the sun ever come out again?

Gin and Tonic, never thought I would enjoy you as much as I do.

The Flyers are down 2-0 in the series against the Bruins. Couldn't fault them too much last night. Played their hearts out and had 54 shots against Tim Thomas. Hot goalie rules all.

Here's the lingo distinguished when selling a laptop.

"I don't do too much with the laptop, just surf the web." - I want the cheapest thing you've got.

"I can't have it crashing or lagging." - My character in World of Warcraft has been killed by disconnection of my internet connection.

"I need the webcam to be top quality." - You are a performer in fine quality arts.

Need to buy a new driver this year for golf season. Any recommendations under $200.00?

Why does everything have so much sodium in it?

We need you to eat healthy, but to do so it's going to cost you twice as much.

Least favorite commercial. The dude that goes on the Gillette Pro Glide challenge that challenges the disposal razor against the Pro Glide. We no sh** the Pro Glide is better. You also can't buy it from the dollar store.

"Happy Endings" is a decent show that is now on City TV. It's done by the same dude as "Community."

I know having kids takes up a lot of peoples time, but why does music have to be the first thing cut from the list of things that you keep up on?

Top 3 types of red wine,

3 - Cabarnet Savignon
2 - Shiraz
1 - Malbec

Nothing quite beats the Niagara on the Lake wine pairing tour. Beautiful scenery, great wine, and a pairing to go with it. Usually it's in June and it's about $30.00

Recently saw Troll 2. If you don't already know there is a cult following on this movie about it being the worst movie ever made. I have seen it and it's laugh out loud funny on how bad the acting is. It's called Troll 2 with no Troll 1, and has a scene where there is a girl and guy sharing a cob of corn with the tension becoming so heated that the cob of corn turns into popcorn. Priceless!!!!!