Friday, February 3, 2012

Homemade Vegetable soup with cranberry/pumpkin bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and for the appetizer smoked cheddar with rosemary crackers. Now that's a meal.

If you are a big Radiohead fan, have a look at youtube for some concert footage. Radiohead doesn't care about the whole copyright garbage so they allow all of their concerts on youtube without pulling them down. You can find some wicked performances.

Went to the dentist today to get my cavities taken care of. Either I am a whole lot tougher now or dentists have much better technology to make it more comfortable to be there.

Currently I am compiling a list of my top 5 albums of all time. It's taken me years to perfect it, but I think I have it narrowed down to about 12 albums.

Saying Cheers after having a conversation with someone just seems classier then saying anything else.

This winter is confusing.

Sam Gagner had 8 points in one game recently. What the hell is that. This is the equivalent to Megan Fox winning an Oscar for best acting. Or Jason Statham not doing an action movie.

Drive 8.6/10

Walking Dead season 2 is fantastic. There is so many tense scenes in the show. I find the vibe similar to Game of Thrones.

If your sense of humor is to just quote movie and tv shows your whole life. You need to try harder. Also "that's what she said." It's done...

It's very difficult to pull off a top hat. I have thought about this forever. The only way you can do it is by wearing a black tux that has a tail.

U2 - most overrated band in the world.

Top 3 nerdiest things to do, but that are still awesome.

3 - Bowling
2 - Game Board Night
1 - Sci-fi Convention

Sometimes it's hard to remember what I have wrote in the past on here. I try not to repeat myself, but if I have. Well really I don't give a sh**, deal with it.