Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Denzel throwing Axes in Buffalo while enjoying a 2L of Mountain Dew

Went to see Wild at the Princess and the Hobbit at Landmark.  It's amusing to see the type of crowd that was at each movie.  At Wild there weren't many people under the age of 40.  Mostly people that were in healthy shape and dressed well enjoying a small popcorn and pop if they had any food at all.  At the Hobbit.  It was 4:30 in the afternoon and there was multiple middle aged men and women. Most were on the heavier side, with the biggest popcorn of all time with the 2L fountain drink that they offer.    While grabbing straws we noticed multiple people coming out to get more liquid butter for their popcorn.  Sara and I had a giant popcorn at both.  It's exactly what you expect at these two movies.

Wild - 8.8/10
The Hobbit - 7.1/10
The Equalizer - 6.5/10

The question is if Denzel from the Equalizer spent time with Liam Neeson's daughter from Taken and Liam got the wrong idea, and went after him what would happen?

Sara scoffed at points during Wild.  If you don't know the story line a women that is trying to get over things that have happened in her life and decides to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.  She has an outrageously sized back pack and doesn't get the right fluid to use her cook set while hiking.  As most people know by watching Sara's YouTube videos that she was more prepared then a mustard in an Our Compliments bottle.

Christmas is almost upon us.  Christmas has transformed for Sara and I into an appreciating what we have what we would like to accomplish in the new year.  And of course spending time with our amazing families.  Hopefully that gets an extra point on the wine scale that they were going to purchase.

Watching many Tiny House shows.  Tiny Houses are 200-400 sq foot homes that contain everything that a larger home does, just in much smaller formats.  We want this to be something that we can look into building or buying in the next five years.  Zoning laws make it difficult in Ontario.  Things seem to be changing though.  Have a look on YouTube about it.

There is a place in Toronto that offers Ax throwing.  You can bring your own beers and throw some axes around.  What I picture in my head is these mountain men wearing flannel shirts, with suspenders, work boots, and giant beards with foaming over mugs of beer picking up an ax with one hand and throwing it through a tree that has somehow miraculously survived indoors.

Horrible Bosses 2 - Needlessly made for money -  3.1/10
I try not to get upset while waiting for a one thousand year old woman to cross the parking lot.  One day I would love to just lay on the horn or yell obscenities just to see what would happen.

The Buffalo Bills in usual Buffalo Bills fashion fail to win on the road against the Raiders in a must win situation after looking fantastic against the Packers.  That whole city should be given a wedgie.

Been watching many Ted Talks recently about travel, tiny houses, minimalism, and other topics.  You could go for days watching these videos.  There are so many interesting points of view out there.  If you are sick of thinking the world is one awful place after watching the news.  Watch a Ted Talk about practically any subject it will make you feel better about the world.

Talked a guy yesterday about gift cards.  We were discussing whether it's better to just receive cash then a gift card.  The old argument of putting something thought into it versus something you are actually going to use.  I guess it boils down to how well you know the person.  If you know the person is a foodie or a drinkie then you can be a little creative with your gift.   If you know nothing or very little about the person, cash is king.  Those stupid Visa gift cards cost money to either activate or purchase.  Don't bother with them.  Give them cash instead.

They should change the word mutton.  You understand it's sheep.  Just the word mutton makes me think of putting food into a napkin and being chased by dogs.

Jerry Seinfeld should have had Batman up in the apartment.  Superman is a dweeb.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Record Shop owners and their impact on teachers in Iceland

There is a certain way that you need to act while in a record shop with mostly unknown music at your disposal.  Always pick up a record every few minutes with a coolness, but don't show too much excitement.  Filter through everything like you know every single band that you are looking at.  Calmly wander over to the record store owner and ask if they can order in a record that is probably out of press. When purchasing, have a look that these records will do I guess, but it wasn't the exact edition that I was looking for.   This is how you gain points with your local record store owner.

Johnny Manziel and somebody named Rusty Smith are the only QB's in NFL history that were shutout in their first career NFL start.  Sharing a stat with somebody named Rusty Smith doesn't sound like a great start to your career.  Just envisioning the fry boy from the Simpsons constantly.

The Simpsons turns 25 this year.  Smithers was originally an African American man.  Krusty was supposed to be Homer in disguise, and The Simpsons movie was supposed to be a musical are a few of the interesting tidbits that I found out.  See the Chive isn't just for boobs and butts.  Can't even write that with a straight face. 

Still Alice - 8.8/10
The Skeleton Twins - 9.1/10
Gone Girl - 8.7/10

Three fantastic movies.  Julianne Moore has to be the favourite for best actress for Still Alice.  She's a brilliant professor that develops early Alzheimer disease.  She does her best to keep things together, but it's only a matter of time.  It's a tough watch.  Many heart wrenching moments.

Heard a story yesterday of a co-worker that has a friend that works for another FS.  Apparently she was asked if FS had a different website for each location.  Sorry you receive a timeout for this.

Things are going full circle.  Some of the most popular gifts this year are mini Polaroid cameras and record players.  It's very strange giving people of all ages knowledge about record players.  One thing about people buying record players.  Not one of them listens to shitty music.  You just don't hear.  "Oh, and can you tell me where to pick up the new Nicki Minaj record?  Just really want to hear Anaconda on vinyl."

One of the talents that I have obtained is picking out teachers when I am selling to them.  They are the most annoying customers that ask every question known to man about a $40.00 mouse.

I have an Iphone 4.  It has the worst digital camera ever developed in it.  You might as well draw a picture with the paint from a cardboard box of Gato Negro wine. 

Sara and I have booked a trip to Iceland in April.  We have wanted to go there for years.  Nearly every travel website that I check out always have beautiful pictures from Iceland.  That and ways I can purchase it through them for an outrageous price.

It's getting closer and closer to the end of the Fantasy Football season.  Or as gamers call it World of Warcraft for jocks.

Be good to people in this hectic time of year.  Whether it's helping somebody in need or just being patient with people that are trying to help you out the best they can.  It's simple just be good to fellow humans.


Monday, December 8, 2014

At Farm Camp Learning a Russian Accent

Sara was telling me a story about when she was younger.  She wanted to go to something called Farm Camp.  She took all of her brothers with her.  They learned how to work on the farm and all things about farm life.  These farmers were geniuses.  They were paid for receiving child labor.  We have an opening at FS.  Come learn to work in retail.  Carry bags, lift boxes, and learn the wisdom of handling people at Xmas time.  Only $1,000 per week.

We had our annual Xmas party last night at McMullens in Waterloo.  It was a rousing success.  Many great gifts given out.  For the auction of the gift cards I used mainly all local businesses.  That's right, I am just like Robin Hood.  Except for the stealing part and giving to the poor part.  Wait?

There is something called the Christmas Pooper.  It's a figurine of a celebrity doing the deed on the ground.  Apparently it's good luck to put this up in your house.  This seems like something made up by the weird kid in Grade 5 that thought the silent farts were the best.  Why would anybody want this?

Housebound - 9.1/10
Cold in July - 8.2/10

Housebound is absolutely terrific.  It's the best horror movie of the year.  It's a movie based out of New Zealand and it combines comedy with horror.  It's not just your typical haunted house movie.  Give it a watch.

Watching the NFC south this year in the NFL is hideous.  The NFL really needs to change their playoff format.  There's a chance if New Orleans wins outright that they will make the playoffs.  They generally are a much different team in the Superdome.  Can you imagine if the 12-4 Detroit Lions have to go on the road to face the 7-9 New Orleans Saints?

The owner of Grumpy Cat makes over 100 million dollars a year in endorsements and other nonsense.  More then Kim Kardashian.  Kim Kardashian has just found about this and is planning on doing something shocking.  She is going to take her clothes off for a magazine.  Wow!  I wish she would receive an Al Iafrate slap shot off of the inner thigh with one of those rock hard orange road hockey balls.

Faking an accent is extremely strange.  It was not put into the managers handbook on how to deal with situations like that.  Chapter 7 - How to deal with people faking accents to get things that they want.

Real simple, Bose and Beats docking stations are both excellent.  Don't over think it.

The worst words that have come out somebody's mouth that was talking to me recently.  That record is not in press anymore.  Don't people realize how good The Beta Band Hot Shots II is?

If you have a cat.  Make a circle with duct tape on the floor.  The cat will sit in it.  You're welcome.

What is the age that you start to worry if you are going to injure yourself if you just start running from a complete standstill?

There is something called Preemie dolls.  These are dolls that represent premature babies.  We do realize that premature babies are not supposed to be born yet and have major health issues to deal with?  Yes, now we should start making tri-pod dog stuffed animals.

When you connect on a good high five there is no better feeling.  I would say a solid high five only happens 28% of the time.  You can't go for a second high five either.  If you screw that one up as well you're done.  Too many are chances are taken with the high five.

For Cliff Huxtable to gain all of his awesome Dad power Bill Cosby had to sell his soul to Satan according to rumour.