Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do you remember that scene in the original Naked Gun movie when Frank Drebin is umping the baseball game?  He gets involved in the pickle and starts throwing multiple baseballs around trying to prolong the game so the Queen doesn't get shot.  Welcome to Monday Night Football.

Finally some new music that suits my fancy.

Tame Imapala - Lonerism - 9.1/10
Grizzly Bear -  Shields - 9.8/10

There is an El Salvordorian restaurant that has opened up in Kitchener called The Guanaqita.  We enjoyed some pupusas and Mexican Nachos.  There was some salsa dancing going on behind us.  Really enjoyed the vibe, it reminded me of being in El Salvador. 

The Oakland A's are staying alive in the Wild Card hunt.  They have had a crazy stretch of tough games on the road.  If they can last it out and make the wild card game there will be a great together in KW to watch the wild card game for those that are interested in beer and playoff baseball.

After 100 years with Future Shop I have finally decided to make my incline to the top of the company. 

If you want to put someone through pain.  Make them call Microsoft to get another activation code for a Windows product.  I almost had an aneurysm giving them the same information thirty times while getting redirected multiple times.

I have only been mad a few times in my life.  One time is when a pie was baked too hot and burnt my mouth.

I find it funny when people tell me that they can't make soup.  Here's the directions.  You put a bunch of stuff in a slow cooker with broth. 

The Loved Ones - 8.8/10  (You might have to look for this one.  "B" horror movie)

Interesting fact - Ireland has a trail that you walk for 8 or 9 days that has stops in multiple villages and towns along the way.  There is a stop that has 50 pubs for 1200 people.  Strong livers in Ireland.

Nintendo wii-u - Will be coming out soon.  It's a tablet essentially, instead of you having to get up and be active you use the tablet and it shows up on the screen.  I believe it will do well.  We have been waiting for a new video game system for a while.

Story - An gentlemen calls me at the store for some help with there printer.  I tell him that it would be better to call Canon directly.  I try to tell him that the number is 1-800-ok-canon.  He doesn't understand that there are letters attached to numbers on the phone.  Get rid of your rotary phone from '64.

Value Village is over priced.  This is something I thought I would never say.

 Wine and Food festival was this past weekend in Niagara on the Lake.  There is nothing better then hitting multiple wineries that are five minutes away from each other.  There was one that had an outdoor kitchen that was a cooking school/winery.  Yes, I do realize that this is the best thing ever.

If you are going to let a fart go that really smells bad, walk away to an area that doesn't have people around.

Ostrich farm was terrific again.  I didn't realize how mean those birds are.  They kick with both feet and can rip people's throats out.  Chuck Norris jokes are done.  Sorry kids!!

Monopoly is back at McDonald's.  I can't help it, I love it.  My body not so much.

There are a couple of NFL refs that were fired from the lingerie league because they weren't good enough. 

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