Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Spraining your ankle while playing slopitch seems like such a waste of an injury.  There is nothing impressive with telling somebody that you injured your ankle going for a ground ball at shortstop in a co-ed slopitch game.  This is why I make up that I injured it hiking the Grand Canyon, sounds tougher.

The release of World War Z was underwhelming at best.  One interesting thing came out of it though.  They are now selling $50.00 tickets that include a digital copy of the movie, and other goodies.  Quite costly, but if you want to own the movie earlier then everybody else then this seems like a good idea.  Plus if you torrent there will be copies up early.  Everybody wins!

While watching the news last night there was a story about how buying LCBO gift cards for teachers as year end gifts is on the rise.  Standing ovation!  They are the ones that put up with a lot of shitty kids throughout the year.  They do need a drink.

I regard the newest generation of young adults as the bailing generation.  Make plans, up too late last night, haven't heard from this person in a while, bail on plans, repeat.

Flyers bought out Bryzgalov yesterday.  Bought out Briere a couple of days before.  I have a terrible feeling that they are going to go after either Luongo or Mike Smith.  In typical Flyers style they will probably deal Giroux to the Kings for Matt Frattin, and then sign Mike Smith to a 8 year 40 million dollar deal. 

There is still nothing better then telling someone to "Take off eh!"

Purchased a package of fun dip recently.  What they hell was I thinking as a child?

Kanye and Kim have named their child North.  So the child's name is North West.  You named your child after a direction?  You have already made him a douche bag at one day old.

I have been working on a manlier handshake recently, but just realize that the harder that I squeeze the harder they squeeze and I try to play it cool, but it frakkin hurts.

It's really difficult to screw up making bread.  Somehow this sunflower bread that I have purchased tastes like a bread made by a monkey with no culinary experience.

Every electronic device please rise in unison to use the same charger.

Even as a child I knew that sexual smurfs jokes weren't funny.  I understand that smurfette was the only girl in the whole village.  Oh that's the joke? 

Even to this day thinking about somebody skating and not knowing how to stop so they run into the boards makes me laugh.

You poor people that can't says your "s" properly.  I feel for you.

Started watching Under the Dome.  This is a new series based on the book by Stephen King.  When you start ripping off plots from the Simpsons you know you have hit a new low.  Also I don't care and am not doing any research on this if the book came out first so don't bother responding with this.

Where is the most awkward situation to be nude?  Kindergarton class having to help kids put on their outdoor gear.

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