Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sometimes Facebook can either make somebody's life look extremely glossy or it can make their life look like a train wreck.  It all depends on the tone of your status updates.  Choose wisely!

Haven't completely gotten through True Detective yet.  It is absolutely brilliantly written. Love this line McConaughey delivers with pure perfection talking about preachers.  "If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward than that person is a piece of shit."  If you can hear it with that southern twang you are doing it right.

Kurt Vile is playing this Wednesday in Toronto.  Don't think I can make it.  Trying to justify a Toronto trip can be difficult.  If anybody is in the area though check it out.  Be prepared for singer/songwriter Dylanesque tones with the slight smell of stale Pabst.

You assume that nearly all hikers wear tie dye clothing, are free spirits, and smell like a mixture of BO and nature.  All of those assumptions are exactly true.

Have only met one Canadian man that doesn't like the song Tom Sawyer by Rush.  He is from Quebec.  He wishes not to be named at this time.

New found respect for truck drivers.  My brain turned to mush and I was laughing at fart noises by the end of the journey.  Fart noises by hands or mouth were also acceptable humor as well.

Who brings an Atlas onto an airplane?  Who is reading an Atlas at any point? 

Alan Partridge - 7.2/10

Don't really know the etiquette for making eye contact with other runners.  Maybe I will just look them straight in the eye while running by them.  Then continue to look back at them even after passing. 

Top 3 cardboard moments

3 - Used to have a cardboard spaceship as a child.  I pretended to travel with Mr. Dressup.
2 - Cardboard box flew at my car sideways and almost broke my old car.  You know your car is a piece of crap when cardboard almost ruins it.
1 - Sara made a toaster out of cardboard to represent the Cylons in BSG.  Yeah, the judges didn't get it either.  We were robbed, we were robbed.

LA and Chicago are too good.  It's like watching two extremely brilliant kids (envision them as Asian) playing connect 4 and never making a mistake.

Finally gave in and downloaded both Oasis albums from 20 years ago.  My hatred for these two dudes flows deep into my veins.  20 years deep.

I have only seen one man pull off a flying cross body on somebody else during a party situation.  I guess I have only seen it attempted once as well.  It worked, I was drinking at the time.  My memory says it looked beautiful.

Never understand the people that crank music in their car with passengers in the car as well.  "I have picked you up, but I wish not to speak to you."

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