Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Went to see Sara on the trail recently.  While hiking with her I realized a couple of things.  She is in much better shape then I am in, and fish and chips are absolutely delicious after walking hours and hours.  Sometimes you crave weird things while hiking long distance.  I don't even like Doritos.  While walking though Doritos are a mountain man's dream.

People that manage the Appalachian Trail have a running competition of making the trail as difficult as possible in the section that they are in charge of.  You can stop now.  There is no need to go back on top of that rock field.  Go around it.  What the hell is wrong with you?

The Minnesota Twins are allowing people to pour their own beer during the All-Star game.  You can load up cards and serve yourself.  Seems dangerously awesome.

Halt and Catch Fire - 8.1/10

This is an AMC show about a small computer company trying to take on IBM.  Many no name actors that are absolutely terrific in this show. 

Premature - 7.5/10

Here's how I will sell this to you.  It's a teenage comedy about a guy that sounds exact like Topher Grace.  Every time he has an orgasm the day starts over again.  Groundhog Day meets a witty American Pie is the best way to describe it.  Partake and consume.

I have eaten terribly recently.  America specializes in family diners.  Would you like something ethnic today?  Well, Taco Bell is about as ethnic as it gets.

Rush is going on tour again.  I don't believe that you can be a full fledged Canadian man until you have seen this band.  That and seeing Strange Brew is the other necessity for all people that are coming to live in Canada from other countries.

First time riding a roller coaster in about 7 years.  They are much faster then I remember.  Also, another tip is to make sure you keep your head back.  I was being thrashed around more then 19 year old white girl after 4 tequila shots are Phils.

There are many people wearing costumes on the side of Hespeler Road recently.  I would much rather see the crazy wavy arms guy then a guy wearing a suit.  They are much more amusing.  Unless you are dressed like a pita.  I enjoy the pita man.

Was forced to wear a Mario back pack by Sara while hiking.  I brought the wrong bag and this was my punishment.  Pretty sweet punishment. 

Everybody knows that Steven Tyler looks like a woman.  The question isn't whether he looks like a woman.  The question is he trying to look like a woman because of their song.

One thing about hikers.  They do not care about what they are wearing.  As long as it's as light as their nude body.  There was a gentlemen wearing a 1987 youth lacrosse shirt. 

Costa Rica was put out of the World Cup.  My interest was peaked to 63% with Costa Rica in there.  It is now a 4%.  I could give a fu** who wins the soccer matches.

Germany always looks like a well oiled machine in pretty much everything that they do.  They probably all go to bed in the same room at 8:07pm each and every evening saying good night in unison.

Top 3 Outfits that I should be ashamed of, but am not.

3 - Rapist glasses, jogging pants, and velcro shoes
2 - spandex space suit that was too tight in the crotch area.  There was a lot of stretching involved that evening
1 - Halloween in the mid 2000's in went in black face as MC Hammer.  I didn't really realize how bad this was until thinking about it recently.

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