Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Top 3

Top 3 sequel disappointments

(Movies, Music, and TV)

3 - Heroes after season 1 (Maybe we can just rip off XMEN for everything)
2 - Smashing Pumpkins (siamese dream is one of the best albums of the 90's)
1 - The Matrix 2 and 3 (From the best movie ever made to ??????????)

So Jenna Elfman is back on the air. Does anyone really care?

Elliott Brood - Ambassodor - Might be the album of the year. Has a jammy feel to it, but also incorporates a banjo with a hard rock feel to it. One of the weirdest things about this album is that I can listen to it in almost any mood.

Vista is gone as of Thursday. Question was it worse then Millenium?

Drag me to hell - Is thee movie to watch if you are looking for a horror movie to watch for Halloween.

Am I the only person that wants to check out a roller derby match. Anytime I bring it up everybody just seems to giggle.

The only problem with dj'ing is that when the ipod is on shuffle, every once in a while an ABBA tune gets thrown on. Friends have given me strange "is he going to start listen to show tunes next" looks.

Going to see Tron tonight at the Princess Cinema. Last night I went to the Physics Festival put on by the Perimeter Institute. Both statements are not fabricated.

Mosh pits are ridiculous, why when you listen to music must you attempt to beat the crap out of another human being. I prefer the art of the head bob.

Flaming Lips will be re-doing Dark Side of the Moon. Will hold comment until I listen.

The Leafs are still winless. And have also traded their 1st round pick for next year for Phil Kessel. A little history for you. The Leafs traded their 1st round draft pick years ago to the Devils for Tom Kurvers. The pick ended up being Scott Niedermayer.

When someone buys a 1982 brown camaro what are they thinking?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do's of the week.

- Start watching the show Modern Family. Especially if you miss Arrested Development.
- Check out the new Built to Spill album "There is no enemy." Especially if you enjoy jam bands.
- Watch the Leafs even though their brutal this year, their moving in the right direction.
- Come up with a wicked Halloween costume. I'm going to be Jeff from "Today's Special."
- Re-watch 12 Monkey's. The best Terry Gilliam flick.
- Pick up the 1st season of Battlestar Galactica, even though you believe only nerds watch this show. It is the best show that I have every watched.
- Believe that the Denver Broncos might actually be for real.
- Try a Keith's White with a slice of orange

Don'ts of the week.

- Support Transformers 2 in any way, and maybe Michael Bay will go away.
- Check out the new Flaming Lips album "embryonic" if you don't like fuzz rock.
- Believe the hype, the Habs are Canada's worst hockey team.
- Watch "Eastwick" is the worst new show on TV.
- Tune into the baseball series, unfortunately the Yanks look unstoppable.

I never thought I would see the day that TV shows were better written then movies. I watch Dexter, Glee, and even Gossip Girl, and I realize that the unthinkable has happened. TV is more watchable then movies. I used to just assume Victor from Young and the Restless would be the best actor that I would be seeing. Watching some of the new movies that are being released makes me feel queasy. I blame us for all of it though. We seem to not want to think when watching a movie anymore. We want to see things blow up, cars flip over, easy dialogue, and easily watchable stars. Movies don't really require thought anymore and are generally forgettable as soon as it ends. Most people can't remember any given scene of a Transformers movie or a Fast and the Furious movie. They can usually tell me that Megan Fox looked hot though.

I understand that there is a place for these movies, and a little eye candy is never a bad thing, but when these are the only movies that make any money we really have to think about what we are supporting. Check out "The Usual Suspects" or "Little Miss Sunshine" and put some money down to see something that maybe will cause your brain to have to exercise. If you want a glimpse into the future rent the movie "Idiocracy" and you can have a look into our world's future.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

rant, but not really

So people like to have that bumper sticker that says "out of a job yet, keep buying foreign." Well from past experience I have owned 2 oldsmobiles, 1 Buick, and 1 Pontiac. All caused me problems and almost made me have to have 2 jobs. I currently own a Mazda 6 and have had no problems with it.

Ate at Ellison's Bistro in Kitchener last night, wonderful Jamaican food. I would give it a solid 8.5/10. Jamaican food I would say is similar to Indian food in a lot of aspects with their curry and roti. It's not just about the jerk chicken and jamaican patties.

Pitchforkmeida.com currently has their top 100 albums of the 2000's. They rated Kid A by Radiohead number 1. I can't really argue this, but Arcade Fire number 2. Great that their a Canadian band and all, but number 2, wow....

Saw Dragonball the movie last night. Very light entertaining movie if you enjoy martial arts mashed with a little ADD.

Heading to the cottage tonight to enjoy some drinks and maybe a fire. It`s probably going to be the last time there so I am hoping that the rain holds off for this evening.

Really enjoying the show `Glee`right now, it`s the perfect mix of music, ridiculous high school scenarios, and humor. Probably my favorite show on TV right now. If you enjoy Gossip Girl, American Idol, and the Office. This is a mix of those 3 shows.

Hockey`s back, and Ray Emery looked fantastic last night. Could this be the year the Flyers figure out their goaltending.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So am I interesting enough to write a blog????????????????? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This blog will be random quick facts about everything including things about myself.

BSG seasons are all $19.99 at the shop still.

We've also got the mystery of the disconnecting internet solved as well. Eroded cabling.

Brian has also finished modding my wii, so I am going to have some new games to play as well. I think one of the biggest problems with the wii is my laziness. I just don't like moving sometimes when I am playing video games.

Hockey Draft tonight, always excited about that.

Bored to Death on HBO is funny, Ted Danson actually is the funniest part of it.

Californication was also very good, David Duchovny should be in more things comedy related. The hand model scene in Zoolander was priceless.

Dollhouse - muh, a little disappointed, they need to figure things out for Helo.

Summer is coming to an end which means the end of bbq season fairly soon. End of golf and end of baseball. The one thing with Canadians is that we hibernate indoors in the winter. We really need to support each other in what we are watching on TV.

Halloween is coming up, I already have a costume idea.

I really want to go to Detroit for American Thanksgiving. The Packers are playing the Lions.

Making a stew in the slow cooker today. I am pretty sure Sara hates stew so I could be on my own here.

I think waking up to the neighbors fighting might be worse then waking up to him ripping around on the ATV.

Would you eat steak every night if you could?

Apparently Americans don't know anything about Caesar the drink. I believe this should be Canada's national drink if it isn't already.

I wish more bands I loved would come to Kitchener. Toronto is just so difficult to maneuver in.

Football is back, and I really haven't been watching it much. I work Sunday's now instead of Saturday's.

Alice in Chains - Dirt - is one of the best albums of the 90's. Have a solid listen all the way through the album and other then Nirvana Nevermind tell me a better grunge album.