Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Italy is tomorrow, looking forward to all the food and wine, but most of all Rome and all the history behind it. Cue the mysteries of the underworld music.

Feel like taking a small stroll through your Grandma's flower garden. Have a listen to the new album by Beach House.

People always ask me how am I able to travel so much. One of the easiest ways is to not give yourself any responsibility. Meaning I don't have kids, pets, or own a house. So Sara and I are able to leave on whim without any trouble. And if you really want to see the world don't go to vacation farms. Every Caribbean country is pretty much the same from the vantage point of a resort. I do understand the wanting to get it away from it all aspect, but people need to understand that you don't need to be rich to do the traveling that we do. Just be smart. Instead of getting a hotel in Niagara Falls for a weekend and spending $200.00 a night, why don't you spend a few more dollars and get a flight to Costa Rica. Once you get there and realize how cheap hotels and restaurants are there you will understand why this is generally a smarter choice. You also might see an animal or two while your in the rain forest as well. While in Niagara Falls you can just piss your money away at the blackjack table and then eat at the Rainforest Cafe. All in all both vacations will be within $300.00 of each other and you will get a week in Costa Rica or a weekend in Niagara.

Had a wine pairing appetizer party this past weekend in Oakville. Felt a little old manish at the start, but in the end it was actually a really good time. And the end result is always the same.

So the Leafs made a big splash on the trade front. Both trades they made were fantastic, if you can trade a bunch of spare parts for a top line d man you've done well.

Go support the Raptors as well. This is the best basketball they have played in many years, and if we want to keep Chris Bosh we have to show support.

Religilious (Bill Maher goes to religious communities and just asks loaded questions about their faith)


Started watching Stargate Universe. So far not bad, but I really wish Atlantis didn't get canceled.

There's face recognition software that matches your face to a celebrities face basically to tell you what celebrity you look most like. Here's my top 3.

3 - Eddie Murphy (don't ask me)
2 - Elton John
1 - Robert Downey Jr.

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