Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why do they package tuna to look just like cat food?

Halloween costume is finished. I shutter at my own appearance. - check it out. You enter a band that you think is fantastic and it finds other bands and songs that match it. Very similar to pandora, but you can also use it in Canada.

Sara is back safe and sound, had a bad feeling about this trip.

I usually cheer for underdogs in baseball, but I have to cheer for Halladay. Come on Philly come back.

Black Mountain's - Wilderness Heart 8.9/19 - They really started to utilize the female vocals and got back to the classic rock and roll style. Best album I have heard this year since Tame Impala. I suggest you check it out if you enjoy riff related guitar.

Get him to the Greek - 8.2/10

As I look around at the city of Kitchener I realize that less and less people care about their appearance.

It is scary how many people that have lost all social skills due to internet and internet gaming.

Top 3 things that will be gone in the next 20 years.

3 - Skill to spell
2 - Sense of direction
1 - Phone conversations

So the Leafs are off to a hot start. The homers are coming out. Someone came up to me yesterday and said "see I told you they would make the playoffs!" There are 82 games in a year and they have played 5.

Keeping the hair short. I guess I had to grow up sometime.

XM radio is great for free, but have you noticed when they say a phone number that is attempting to sell you something they say the phone number a bunch of times in a row. Media make me dumb!!

Honeynut Cheerios are still the bomb after all these years.

Running Wilde is the new show made by the dude from Arrested Development starring Will Arnett. Best line so far. "Everything smaller is more expensive. I guess that is why that little horse cost me so much."

UFC is becoming too big to contain. I wish it would go away.

KFC new sandwich has 1700mg of sodium. I think if I was going out in a blaze of glory. I would eat this while chugging a bottle of absinthe without a shirt on in a rented el camino with painted fire down the side.

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