Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Beer Store should have samples like the liquor store.

Black Swan 9.5/10
Scream 4 - 6.6/10
Tron 2 - 7.1/10

Started running recently. I really enjoy the feeling after finishing running. Don't particularly like the next couple of days after.

"The League" is now my favorite new show. It's a show about 5 dudes that run a fantasy football league. Witty humor in sports relation.

Gaius Baltar from Battlestar is in Bridget Jones' Diary. Don't ask me how I know this.

Saw Junip last week. Fantastic show, also the lead singer Jose Gonzalez looks exactly like Blue Jays star Jose Bautista.

Is there anything better then playoff hockey?

Top 3 over done movies

3 - Fast and the Furious or whatever it's called now
2 - Harry Potter
1 - Pirates of the Caribbean

Do the portable massage machines actually work?

It's very painful to watch somebody that can't public speak try to public speak.

Cam Newton could be the number 1 pick this coming year in the NFL. He has a huge chance of being a bust. So if you are the Carolina Panthers do you pick a defensive tackle and hope that you get the number 1 pick next year as well and draft a sure thing in Andrew Luck?

Nothing beats a great salad. Wow, that sounds extremely lame .

Batting cages today. Driving range today. Getting ready for the summer.

Never answer the phone with a joke response, it never goes as you see it.

United States of Tara on the movie network is a show worth checking out if you haven't already.

Nintendo is phasing out the wii. Will they come out with a 3D gaming system in 2012?

As soon as my hair gets a little longer it begins to resemble a curly mullet. The 80's ruined my sense of style and hair.

Dudes in jogging pants. When will the madness end?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is there anything that's easier to make then pancakes?

I wish I owned some fighting trousers.

The Switch 6.9/10
Narnia (the new one) 4.9/10

Going to the falls today. The vibe in the casino is that everyone is profiting. When you look at all the faces in the casino you realize it's the complete opposite.

Mechanical bulls should be readily available at establishments other then country bars.

There needs to be a way that you can pick any song at any time to karaoke. My beautiful lounge singing voice would like to attempt The National.

You can always tell when the song you hear is an American Idol contestant. One of my favorite things about music is the emotion that goes with the vocals. Axl Rose was one of the best at this. When you hear "welcome to the jungle," and those screeching vocals you get goosebumps. Axl would not be a finalist on American Idol though.

Hockey playoffs have started. Not feeling it so far this year. Sometimes it takes me a couple of games to get into it.

"The Killing" on AMC is a fantastic new crime drama. You should check it out if you are sick of all the CSI or NCIS garbage.

PVR busted on our Rogers box. I guess "Chuck" will have to wait for DVD.

If I was going to buy a new laptop today and I didn't want a MAC, I would buy a Samsung.

Cottage should be opening shortly. If Winter had a face I would punch it.

Soy milk has estrogen in it, maybe I can generate some pecs without working out.

As long as I have lived I have hated soccer. I will always remember the Simpsons episode when the fans are all excited for the game then the team just passes the ball around the neutral zone for an hour.

People still don't understand how great the PS3 is. Download Windows media player 11 on your desktop. check for media server on your PS3. Play movie or music wirelessly over your network.

Top 3 people I wish would go away.

3. Lindsay Lohan
2. Charlie Sheen
1. Jersey Shore People

Monday, April 11, 2011

Best thing about dressing as Tony Stark for a scifi convention. You get to be a jerk like Tony Stark and not get in trouble for it

Reason number 14 why I hate basketball. You take one player away from a team and they end up being the worst team in the league. Cleveland Cavaliers are the example. You take the two best players away from the Penguins in hockey and they can still compete for the cup.

Top 3 weathered actresses or actors

3 - Michael Keaton
2 - Angelina Jolie
1 - Cameron Diaz

All the tablets are coming or already out. I think that the Motorola XOOM is probably the best value. I will wait and see on the RIM Playbook though.

I miss golfing!!!!

How fast is Charlie Sheen going to be old news? I believe faster then Chuck Norris jokes.

Something I thought I would never hear in my life. "Daryl can you stop playing country music."

I know that I probably whine every year about how long the winter is. But, it feels like I haven't been outside for about a year without freezing.

People have lost the art of spelling. People are always so impressed when I can spell their name properly at work. I have seen the following for my name. Darryl, Darel, Darrell, Darly, and Dyral.

Swiss Chalet delivery is the finest delivery in town. They have the easiest website to navigate, and the quickest delivery service.

Sucker Punch 3.2/10
Iron Man 2 5.2/10
The Other Guys 7.8/10

Tame Impala is still on the top of my charts. There hasn't been too much that's come out to take it's place.

People put way too much pressure on themselves to have the perfect wedding. Everything has to be just right or the day is ruined. The location, the cake, her dress, or the first dance. Sara and I just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. We got married in Costa Rica, we just picked a random spot on the beach. We had our dinner at a decent restaurant in Manuel Antonio. Our first dance was played out of a ghetto blaster, and the DJ was a shuffle button on a stereo. In my opinion it was such a perfect day because of the people we had there and the fact that I was with the person that I wanted to be with. I am not saying that everyone should do it this way, but you shouldn't feel that you have to have the perfect wedding. Don't be a cookie cutter, make it a memorable one in your own way.