Thursday, December 15, 2011

So nobody in my generation is able to take criticism including myself I have found out. Is this because we have received gold stars for basically doing nothing while growing up so we have believed that we are perfect?

Saw the Cancer Bats play a Black Sabbath set at the ebar in Guelph. They absolutely killed it.

Tim Tebow keeps winning. John Fox stand up and take a bow for putting together a perfect game plan.

Sara leaves for Ghana on Friday. She is taking a entire suit case of medical supplies and everyday items with her to help the people in the country. Good deeds done for dirt cheap.

Trying to figure out what to buy someone last minute for xmas. Keurig coffee maker is the best gift I have received in years. Add some Newman's own coffee to the gift and you will please some people.

I try a lot of bands trying to find that magic they had when they were first coming up in the music business. Metallica is one of them. Seek and Destroy is an unreal song.

Collecting stamps???

Concussions eh!! NHL players are dropping like flies. Don Cherry did a segment years ago about how players hockey equipment is now developed into being weapons, but the helmet hasn't really increased to the point of being able to take a blow. A combination of equipment, faster pace, and bigger players have made this a problem that won't go away.

Well it looks like the NFL has figured out the Buffalo Bills. Right after you gave all that money to Ryan Fitzpatrick.

Standing ovation for me being in the country to watch the Superbowl and maybe watch the Packers go for a perfect season.

I find it awesome when people get into arguments online. It's a great debate when you have to wait for the person to read what you wrote on a message board or twitter. Really keeps me on the edge of my seat.

Who knew about fruit and nuts being so fantastic in salad?? I was uninformed about this until recently.

Top 3 reasons I miss my long hair

3 - Head banging at concerts

Actually that is all I miss about it.

Go to youtube today and search Italian Spiderman and Danger 5. Two awesome 3 minute shows that have mulitiple episodes of each.

I didn't get a gold star for waking up and taking my wife to work today, what's the deal with that??

I don't like the idea of keeping somebody's ashes in my household. It creeps me out.

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