Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jim from Old Spice tackles unproductive neon signs

I won a contest.  It's valued at $4500.  What is it you ask?   It's a giant neon sign of my own face.  It's from Coors Lite and I won it picking answers to questions such as how many head coaches in the NFL will have facial hair this weekend.  I have not received it yet, but I will put up pictures when I do.  If you would like to know what am I going to do with it.  I have no fu**ing idea.

Boyhood - 9.4/10
Predestination - 8.1/10
A Most Wanted Man - 8.6/10
Hunger Games:  Mockingjay part 1 - 7.3/10

Boyhood might be the most original movie of the year.  Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused) shot this movie over a 12 year period.  You get to see the actors grow up right before your eyes.  It sees the growth not just with their physical bodies, but how their characters grow.  Linklater does a fantastic job of having even the smallest of traits as a child becoming interests when they are older.  This is one of the coolest movies I have ever taken in.

My Brother in Law just got married.  It was a beautiful ceremony and it was also a study of how alcohol lubrication is a staple when white people need to dance.

I believe that we use words such as epic way too often.  We just throw around these words that should only be used when describing Odell Bekhams catch or describing Guardians of the Galaxy.  Rather then using it to describe our Wendy's cheeseburger that has been sitting under a heat lamp for 47 minutes.

We don't own enough coffee mugs.  Drinking a coffee out of a red solo cup that is burning my hands brought this problem to light.

There might be a time when there a is a year long happy birthday to everyone on my Facebook.  My friends are born on too many different days.

Now my snack eating has become one with contests.  Currently I am only allowed to eat Pringles and Doritos.  Could be worse.  Junior mints and cheese balls hopefully will never have a contest.

Pineapple pancakes are a delicious idea that has been brought to my attention recently.

There are uses for smell lines.  When somebody has just passed gas or hasn't showered for a week or so there should be a certain colour of smell line.  Probably a green one.   This would allow the person to be shamed publicly.  Full support here.

I know the coolness of ugly Christmas sweaters is probably gone now.  As soon as I see the NFL and Swiss Chalet using it in ads it's over.  This will be the last year.  If you haven't already figured it out.  As soon as big companies begin to advertise something that has either been underground or only known by a few people it is no longer cool.  Then they advertise it till death until even the general public hates it.  Then they find the next thing and so on and so forth.

It's entertaining to see marketing companies try to figure things out though.  So, Old Spice ads were cool.  They have a dude that does a bunch of random things in very tough ways.  Alright 60 year old ad man.  We need an idea like this.  "What the hell is that?  Back in my day, we just had Jim on a horse with a smoke in his mouth holding a stick of Old Spice.  That was good enough."

Buffalo has one thing to look forward to each and every week.  It's Kyle Orton slinging around passes at Ralph Wilson Stadium.  They didn't even get to see that this week.

One of the most dangerous thing that I have seen recently is when a 3 year old child had a giant permanent sharpie running around a room with no cap on the marker.  Step away slowly from the situation Daryl.

There is a certain body type that you need to be a professional bowler or dart player.  It's the body type of a once in shape rugby or football player, but has eaten too much pub food and it has all gone to the Buddha belly.

Top 3 Ways to Make Yourself Feel Stupid

3 - Watch Jeopardy on a nightly basis
2 - Witness a 5 year old child using an Ipad and try to mimic what they were doing
1 - Being asked to draw a human being with a pencil.  Why did you put his arms out of his neck.  Also no one stands like that.  Their feet are never pointed sideways.  Why does the hair look like they cut off their chest hair and taped it to their head. 

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