Monday, December 16, 2013

How do you blow a 14 point lead with 8 minutes left in the 4th quarter?  Hire Jason Garrett as your coach and you will find out.  Murray was getting about 8 yards a pop, and you throw the ball constantly.  Even the Dez Bryant TD could have easily been an INT.  Terrible coaching, but I will take the win.  Go Pack Go! 

Also I should mention that I am a moron and if you read my blog a few weeks ago I said that Matt Flynn had a noodle for an arm.  Well he's led them to two victories in the past two weeks.  I will eat cheese for the next two weeks as punishment.

American Hustle, Anchoman 2, Hunger Games - Catching Fire, and the Secret Life of Walter Mitty.  Apparently pop corn, skittles, and nachos are my meals for the next couple of weeks.

There is a lot of snow,  the roads are bad, late for work, not feeling so good.  You may cut and paste these as you like for your status updates.

Oh just to let you guys know.  Elvis Stojko, Kurt Browning, and some other figure skater will be skating to Holly Cole music on CBC tonight.  I would break up with someone if they made me watch this.

Waking up sore is stupid.  I was laying down all night and that is all.  I don't care how stupid I slept there is no way I should wake up sore.

Pacific Rim - 8.8/10
Saving Mr. Banks - 8.0/10

Pacific Rim is terrific.  Especially if you miss the Power Rangers. 

It's funny listening to the older generation speak about buying stuff on the internet.  It's like they assume there is a guy that is in a car just outside of their house laughing hysterically when they punch in their credit card number.  "Oh you shouldn't have bought that Danielle Steele book on Amazon.  I have all of your information now.  Muuuuuaaaahaaaaahaaaaaa!"

Our mail person is ridiculous.  They dropped two packages on another tenant's lawn.  Not in their mailbox. on their lawn.  Not one package.  Two packages.

You know I watch too much Dr. Who when I tried multiple times to spell tenant/Tennant. I was starting to get mad at the computer.  "That is how you spell it you dumb PC.  Maybe I should get a MAC, they know how to spell.  And never get viruses."

Look for Sara and my picture in the Record.  We had to go down to Fiddleheads to  have our picture taken with the dude from the contest for the Cancun trip.  They flew him in from BC.  Let me repeat this. They flew a man in from BC to have a picture taken  This is the kind of job that I need.  We felt like Rockstars and Sara received a plaque for her win. 

Team Canada roster.  Each blog I will do a different position.  Today it's C.  Sidney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, Ryan Getzlaf, Patrice Bergeron, and John Tavares.  On the bubble sadly,  Claude Giroux.

After work this past Saturday I realized that I have a phobia of retail when I am not working.  We were at Giant Tiger and while I was walking through the store I felt as though people wanted to ask me questions about the products even though I didn't work there.  "I don't know when these banana's were brought in.  Doritos are good.  We don't sell Sony here only Sorny." 

If you are a single person on New Years please go out with single people.  There is nothing worse than being that person sitting there on his/her own while all the couple's are kissing at midnight.  Or embrace it.  Grab a bottle of Olde English and a cheap stinky cigar. Stand in the middle of the floor and light it up. 

White people that don't play basketball wearing a jersey of their favourite player look awkward.  Don't do it.  Unless you are a want to be thug.  Then you probably don't read blogs or anything for that matter.  Never mind this is going nowhere.

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