Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lil' Wayne was found with pot on his tour bus, who cares? Pot is so widely used that unless he was dealing it to a 5 year old child I don't really care.

Christmas is fast approaching, Sara is going away, and I have to work pretty much everyday. So for me it's not really a time for enjoyment, more of a time just getting through and trying not to get sick.

Inglourious Basterds - 8.3/10
Hangover - 7.7/10

Haven't much time to listen to new music lately. But Bear in Heaven is playing with Cymbals eat Guitars in Toronto in April, definitely want to check it out.

Treasures Discount Guide - best thing ever, has tonnes of 2 for 1 meal coupons at decent restaurants. Also 2 for 1 golfing as well. Sara got one from work about $35 and we also received one from my Dad for Christmas. Definitely worth the purchase or the gift.

Best thing I have gotten recently, Keurig single cup coffee maker. You get these wicked little cups and all you have to is add water to this machine and you can make all different kinds of coffee without any mess or any misguided attempts of trying to figure out how much coffee to put in the machine.

Story - Getting into my car at fiddleheads, attempt to start it and it won't start. With all of the bad luck with cars in the past that I have had I just assume that it's something serious. Call a buddy to see if he has jumper cables, of course he does not. Sitting in the car on what I call the coldest day of the year so far. I come to realize that my gas light is on, and maybe I am just out of gas. Well sure enough there is a gas station right beside fiddleheads, so I buy a jerry can and fill it with gas, but I don't screw on the lid tight enough and I get gas all over my hand when attempting to put it in the gas tank. After is all said and done I ended up being out of gas. I reeked like gas for the next couple of days.

Best part about a blog is that you can write about how extremely cool you are without any of your faults.

Top 3 Christmas movies.

3 - Just Friends
2 - Elf
1 - Love Actually

I find it very difficult to react to a customer that is being racist at work. Of course I still want to make the sale, but I will not laugh at that sense of humor. I try to change the subject as soon as possible.

The Flyers are struggling right now, but until football is over I can't really pay attention to hockey.

People might hate me for this, but I don't care about the olympics whatsoever. There is a better way for the Canadian Government to spend our money on then the olympics in Vancouver.

I also dislike that the NHL players play in the Olympics. They get paid big money to play in the NHL and I can only imagine the horror if Sidney Crosby had a career threatening injury due to the olympics.

Roy Halladay is gone, probably the classiest ball player that has ever step foot into a Blue Jay uniform, he will be sorely missed.

1 comment:

Faisal said...

Hangover deserve more than a James Bond score. It was Ironman In Tights.