Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When I look outside today it looks like somebody has a bucket and is dumping snow just in front of my window.

Saw both Public Enemies and Zombieland recently. Public Enemies 7.3/10 and Zombieland 8.4/10.

Leaving for Italy in February, but can't enjoy even a thought of it until crazy December is over.

I think to give smokers a taste of their own medicine we the non-smokers should eat a pile of garlic and breathe on them for a couple of minutes and see how they dig it.

Vinyl is making a comeback. I was at Sunrise and their selling a whole section of vinyl. I just feel it's more of a collectors item when it's on vinyl. Anybody can make a CD, but let's see you make a record.

Kick boxing is over until Jan. It was a good time, but I understand now how out of shape I am.

Skinny fat - Means a person that doesn't eat to stay thin, but has absolutely no stamina and no muscle. But at least you look good right?

I would love to see more bands come out with live dvd's. Watch My Morning Jacket "Okonokos" and you will understand what I mean.

MC'ing Sara's brothers wedding. People seem to enjoy hearing me speak. I used to hate public speaking, but since I can drink alcohol now, it really seems to help.

"Band Hero" the person that invented this should be fired. Let's put pop music on the game which doesn't really involve drums and guitar. The reason why Rock Band sells so well, is because all the greaseballs including myself that can't play instruments want to rock out to Black Sabbath and ACDC, but have never been able to. Who wants to rock out to Taylor Swift?

Top 5 Albums of 2009

I do this every year, the rules are.

- Can't be a compilation
- Can't be a greatest hits
- Can't be a live album

Elliott Brood - Ambassador

When you look at the description of Brood's music it says it's folk. Well this folk artist is one of the toughest folk artists that I have every heard. The song "Twill" might be the best song of the year, and it could very easily be put onto a Neil Young and skate with some of his greatest songs. The album overall is solid, but the two singles really put this album into the next echelon.

Them Crooked Vultures - Self Titled

Josh Homme, Dave Grohl, and John Paul Jones, obviously you have very high expectations for an album featuring three rock gods. Well this record surpassed every expectation I had for the album. A very solid rock serenade from start to finish. As a side project it ranks probably as the best of all time, it seems so easy to make catchy riffs and have drums that thrash, but no other band is really doing it.

Grizzly Bear - Vecktamist

Weirdest album in the top 5. After one listen you will be saying to yourself, what am I listening too, has Smitty gone mad. Give it a few more listens after, and you will be saying to yourself this is pure genius. I don't even know how to describe this band. Falsetto lead singer, very odd guitar in the back ground, but it all goes together just beautifully in probably the most original album of the year.

Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus

This should have been what the Scissor Sisters turned into, but instead this very catchy band came out with songs that never seem to grow old for me. I usually give up on pop rock after a few listens, but this album has stuck in my playlist since I first heard it. I am very curious to see what they do for an encore. Dance rock is a very difficult genre to make work, but this band does it with ease.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Its Blitz

Ever listen to an album and say to yourself that is __________ as well. Well that's what I did with this album. I listen through it now and hear song after song that is fantastic. I don't generally put female lead singers in my top 5, but this album is absolutely number 1 with a bullet. You can throw this album on at any time and it will be a hit with any person. Solid guitar work, smooth lead singer, and just overall an album you can listen to over and over again. I don't generally like music that the public also digs, but everyone seems to like this album.

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