Friday, March 26, 2010

Is anybody else sick of preparation?

- We go through public school to prepare for high school.
- We go through high school to prepare for University.
- University to get a good job.
- Good job to move up and get a great job.
- Great job to get to retirement.
- Retire, but still pinch pennies to make sure kids are secure.
- Prepare for afterlife (obviously for those that are religious)

Everything is to prepare for something else. And by the time we retire, our bodies won't allow us to do some of the things that we might have liked to do when we were younger.

Got my Bear in Heaven tickets today, well two of my managers actually picked them up for me. And they say Future Shop doesn't have great benefits.

Did some baking today (insert joke here.) Made some pecan cinnamon cupcakes. They are in the oven as we speak.

DJ tomorrow for one of my buddies sisters buck and doe. I have a feeling I will be playing quite a bit of country, but if I can sneak some Journey in there I will be alright.

Watched a couple more episodes of Caprica today, really starting to get into it. For those that enjoy Battlestar you should really check it out. Sift through the first 3 episodes, but once you get to the 4th really start paying attention.

Racism is a very good barometer for intelligence. The more intolerant you of other people's races the dumber you generally are.

Should people have IQ tests before they are able to have children? This question was brought up to me recently. I say no, some of the best mother's I know I wouldn't put in the upper echelon of intelligence, but their kids are cared for so well that they have every advantage in life. Double edged sword here though, the uncaring mothers that are also unintelligent, those kids don't have much of a chance to succeed.

Ghosts of Mars - old John Carpenter flick

8.8 /10 when I've had a couple of drinks.
5.5/10 when completely sober

Top 3 things I love about baseball

3. It's the sport that keeps you company, have a conversation with a buddy for 5 minutes, and it may still be the same dude up.

2. It's one of the few sports you can play and be completely out of shape, without the sport getting made fun of (bowling, darts, curling.) Before I receive any emails I would like to everybody to know that I love the 3 sports that I listed.

1. It was one of the few sports I was actually good at.

Going to see Spoon on Tuesday, very excited. The new album Transference is the best of the year so far.

Future Shops point of sale system changes on Monday. I have been working there for like 39 years and it's always been the same. It's a little scary learning something completely new, but I think it's going to be a smooth transition.

Debating the Ipad, I think I'm out.

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