Friday, July 9, 2010

So Lebron, Bosh, and Wade are all in Miami. Good job super friends. I hope that you crash and burn.

Happy Gilmore is a fantastic movie FYI. Some movies that I enjoyed when I was younger end up being not as good as I remembered ex. anything by Jim Carrey except for Dumb and Dumber.

Been listening to the Kinks a lot lately. They are a very underrated band from the Beatles era.

Apparently I am a better golfer then I remember.

Come home the other night to our sauna of a house to realize that the rogers cable has been cut by accident by construction. So right now I am living like a neanderthal with no cable, home phone, AC, and I'm stealing internet from the neighbour.

Tiger Woods '11 is the best golf game I have played.

Vendor fair is this coming week. Not sure who the sponsor is yet, but I am hoping for some kick ass swag.

Looking for a supplier of a visa with some great rewards. Any Suggestions????

Had a dried out striploin steak last night, if there was one food that I could eat for the rest of my life it would be that.

Penn and Teller Bullsi** is currently my favorite show. Love the aggressive nature of the show calling out people for their narrow mindness or their pure stupidity.

Best Buy is opening up right next door to us. My recommendation for people that shop at Best Buy. Know what you want before you go in there. You will receive no help in the knowledge category.

Ipad = Useless

Jose Gonzalez, this is not a baseball player. He has one of the most soothing voices in music right now. And plays right into my wheel house of folk guitar.

If Country Music was the only form of music remaining on earth I would cut off my ears.

The Crazies - 8.1/10
Percy Jackson - 6.8/10

Is Nicholas Cage trying to be in every movie released?

Johnny Depp has been surpassed as my favorite actor. Leo DiCaprio has pushed him aside. Can you think of a movie in the past 15 years that he hasn't been amazing in?

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