Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Had some work done to my stomach to make sure that everything was cool. Have you ever had to live off jello and gatorade for 2 days? It's hell on earth.

Jose Bautista is still a Jay, I might have been too hasty with the need to deal him. If he keeps hitting home runs like this and playing wicked d then maybe you do sign him to a deal.

Future Shop VIP sale is tomorrow. I actually had a look at the deals and there are some very good deals. Come see me at the Cambridge location if you have the need for some new toys.

Weddings galore coming up.

New Tiger Woods is the best golf game I have played. I own it for the PS3 and I am willing to take down all challengers. smittyd04 user name.

There have been some wicked videos on youtube of late.

Football season is nearly upon us, and SI has picked the Packers to win it all. I am a huge Packer fan, and even though it's a homer pick I agree with them.

Tame Impala - Innerspeaker - Album of the year so far. If you were to put in Paul McCartney and John Lennon vocals with the Radiohead OK Computer album this is what you would get.

Turned 32 last week. Don't feel any older, and actually look younger since I cut my hair for a costume. I was Derek Zoolander for a scifi convention.

So Billy Corgan has an album coming out that he's releasing a song one by one on the internet for free. This is the equivalent for me if Pauly Shore was going to release a movie every month and I could go see it for free at the theater.

When people see a $399.99 tag for a laptop that is made by HP. They are drawn in by a dark force to purchase it

So Tiger has lost his powers. He's like a X-MEN character that draws his power off sleeping with multiple chicks.

Mennonites are cooler then Nuns.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 9.2/10
Kick-Ass - 8.1/10

I would like to start a 50's style boxing league. You can only punch like you are from the old school style of boxing. No gloves just old costumes, and three two minute rounds.

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