Monday, January 31, 2011

So today it looks nice enough outside. Until you go outside.

Packers are in the Superbowl, who would have thunk it in the middle of the year when they lost so many people to injury?

Root canal tomorrow. Never had one and am not looking forward to it.

Is it a rule that Alec Baldwin has to win the SAG award for his role in 30 Rock every year?

Spring training is in about a month, the thought of baseball is the thought of spring which makes me happy.

The Kids are all right - 8.2/10
R.E.D. - 7.3/10

Egypt has shut down the internet. How does a country go about doing this?

Sara has decided that she wants to go to Iceland for her 30th birthday. If anything it will definitely be memorable.

Do dentists really have to make you feel so guilty everytime you go see them?

Oh your $400.00 laptop doesn 't run very quickly. This is the same as saying, oh I can't believe your '82 Camaro doesn't get very good gas mileage.

What's worse family picture slide shows or vacation slide shows?

The Bauer Kitchen gets another mention. Dinner and service there has been fantastic each and everytime we have been there.

Going to see Plants and Animals in March at the Starlight for those that are interested.

Caribou is not playing at the starlight in March. The Orange Monkey Vinyl shop hasn't updated their website in over 2 years and it's old news.

Coffee mugs are always a great gift.

I have stopped going to Tim Horton's almost completely. I can honestly say that I do not miss it whatsoever.

Sports casters aren't very creative anymore with their nicknames. A-Rod, K-Rod, Cargo. They should do more then just take letters from each name and add them together. Like Tiger Woods "Slut."

I always want to say that Radiohead is overrated, but I just can't do it, they are an amazing act.

"Episodes" is a new show on HBO that stars Matt Leblanc as himself. But he is portraying himself after finishing the Friends show and he is arrogant and full of himself. It's kind of show within a show. It's funny, and you should check it out if you enjoy the Office type humor.

Ben Roethlisberger looks like American Dad with a beard.

Someone already beat me to the punch that Steven Tyler looks like a woman now. He might even be better looking then Cher.

The old saying is still true. Hockey will not work in warm climates unless it's a city with a huge population. Like for instance Los Angeles.

Johnnie Vegas is a name of a golfer. Shouldn't this be the name of a poker player?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Packers play in the NFC Championship tomorrow. If this was last year I would be flipping out for not being in the country for the Superbowl. But I am in the country for Superbowl, is it fate??

The Social Network - 9.5/10

Vernon Wells was dealt yesterday, What were the Angels thinking?

How come everybody looks so serious on poker commercials?

Bermuda was nice, the temperature was only about 15 degrees, but it was nice to get some sunshine.

Sara finished her half marathon, she worked extremely hard and it paid off.

I believe people need to get more vitamin d. So many people are grumpy lately.

"V" has really turned it up a notch this season. It actually gives me something to look forward to watch each week.

Ordered the trial edition of Netflix. Love the format of it, but everything is outdated. Is it still worth $8.00 a month, maybe?

Butt implants, what? Why?

Ricky Gervais is who I strive to be. He can say whatever he wants at the Golden Globes, and everyone just says oh it's just Ricky Gervais.

An old man told me yesterday that he got into a fight at a bar. The dude punched him and broke his false teeth. He then told me after he got his false teeth broken that he pounded the dude until he required to be taken to the hospital. This dude was minimum 60 and maximum 70. Why would you tell this story to anyone, especially a salesman at Future Shop?

Mango curry should be more recognized.

Jesse Eisenberg is what Michael Cera should have become.

Grapes are $7.99 a lb in Bermuda.

Our flight to LA has been canceled due to lack of interest. I call BS, I believe it was because the deal was too good and wasn't worth it for them.

When you have technology issues, google the issues that you are having. Guaranteed you aren't the first one to have this problem, and I guarantee if you call someone at an electronics store they will give you a runaround answer.

One of the salesman at FS left the company yesterday and bought everybody in the store a going away present. Very classy and very unexpected.

What is the age when you can still get a way with wearing a mo-hawk?

Packers 21 - Bears 10
Jets 17 - Steelers 10

I believe it should be illegal to have an alarm clock going off in any show or commercial. That noise makes me quiver.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Packers have made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs and the Flyers lead the Eastern Conference in points. It's good to be me right now.

MC'd a wedding on the weekend. It was successful, the wedding was beautiful and the reception went perfect. Thanks to everyone that was there and enjoyed the day.

Bob's Burgers - 8.1/10 - New animated show that's on in between American Dad and the Simpsons.

Leaving for Bermuda in a few days for Sara to run her half marathon. Looking forward to some warm sunshine and a few margarita's.

Making homemade pizza is so bloody easy. Why hasn't anyone shown me this before?

Christmas season was a semi-success. I lived through another season, but the body takes a beating in the hectic pace.

New Years Eve was a great time other then the fact that I left both Sara's dress and my suit at the house. We had to go for an emergency shopping session at a local mall. We made out fine. But it was a little stressful.

Finally opened a bottle of wine that I received from the family for my birthday, delicious. I was a little selfish opening it when Sara could only have 1 glass because of her training.

I am really behind in my movie watching lately.

Top 3 movies that I need to watch before Oscar Season.

3. True Grit
2. The Fighter
1. Social Network

Interpol is coming to Toronto in the middle of February. I am away in Columbia, but if you haven't seen them before, they are a very good live band.

I will be around for the superbowl though for the first time in two years.

Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis have a scene in Black Swan that is causing a stir. I will leave it at that.

It's got to be tough to be the band Korn, you still have to keep rocking about being an outsider in high school even though you are in your 40's now.

Time Travel will never exist.

It is so difficult to eat fast food. Anything you buy seems to have some type of disadvantage to it. Subway, cold cuts cause stomach cancer. Burger joints, the obvious deep fried garbage element. Maybe I should just pick some grass off of the sidewalk and just have that.

Soup is the most underrated of all meals. When we went to Italy last year, the soup and the prosciutto were the best foods of the trip.

The city pulse dude passed away recently. I was very sad. When I was younger and staying up too late, it was always his voice that you heard when you knew you were up to late.

Sorry to say, but Starbucks is pompous.

Happy New Year Everyone.