Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Packers have made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs and the Flyers lead the Eastern Conference in points. It's good to be me right now.

MC'd a wedding on the weekend. It was successful, the wedding was beautiful and the reception went perfect. Thanks to everyone that was there and enjoyed the day.

Bob's Burgers - 8.1/10 - New animated show that's on in between American Dad and the Simpsons.

Leaving for Bermuda in a few days for Sara to run her half marathon. Looking forward to some warm sunshine and a few margarita's.

Making homemade pizza is so bloody easy. Why hasn't anyone shown me this before?

Christmas season was a semi-success. I lived through another season, but the body takes a beating in the hectic pace.

New Years Eve was a great time other then the fact that I left both Sara's dress and my suit at the house. We had to go for an emergency shopping session at a local mall. We made out fine. But it was a little stressful.

Finally opened a bottle of wine that I received from the family for my birthday, delicious. I was a little selfish opening it when Sara could only have 1 glass because of her training.

I am really behind in my movie watching lately.

Top 3 movies that I need to watch before Oscar Season.

3. True Grit
2. The Fighter
1. Social Network

Interpol is coming to Toronto in the middle of February. I am away in Columbia, but if you haven't seen them before, they are a very good live band.

I will be around for the superbowl though for the first time in two years.

Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis have a scene in Black Swan that is causing a stir. I will leave it at that.

It's got to be tough to be the band Korn, you still have to keep rocking about being an outsider in high school even though you are in your 40's now.

Time Travel will never exist.

It is so difficult to eat fast food. Anything you buy seems to have some type of disadvantage to it. Subway, cold cuts cause stomach cancer. Burger joints, the obvious deep fried garbage element. Maybe I should just pick some grass off of the sidewalk and just have that.

Soup is the most underrated of all meals. When we went to Italy last year, the soup and the prosciutto were the best foods of the trip.

The city pulse dude passed away recently. I was very sad. When I was younger and staying up too late, it was always his voice that you heard when you knew you were up to late.

Sorry to say, but Starbucks is pompous.

Happy New Year Everyone.

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