Monday, June 20, 2011

Went canoeing with Sara yesterday. Fell out of the canoe within minutes of paddling. Then began to understand that you need to communicate to succeed. That sounds like a motivational framed poster that you get from Walmart.

Caribou or My Morning Jacket who is the better live band? We will see on July 11th.

I love Canada as a country and all, but I find that it costs us too much for basically everything though. Some people that have decent jobs still need to have second jobs just to get by.

Top 3 sports that I am watching more and more the older I get.

3 - Curling
2 - Tennis
1 - Golf

The new Foo Fighters album looks so good on paper. The end result is mediocre overall.

Saying things in German always makes you sound angry.

Even if the Flyers got Martin Brodeur in his prime. There would still be questions about their goaltending.

Reason number 43 why I hate the Leafs. Their fans overrate their players to no end. Latest trade rumour. Mike Komisarek and JS Giguere to Philly for Jeff Carter and Claude Giroux. I would wear a Tron helmet while attempting to speaking Spanish to a police officer in Tijuana if this happened.

Season of the Witch - 7.1/10
Black Death - 8.7/10

Sean Bean is the man. (He's the dude in Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, as well as Black Death.) He was at a bar recently where he went outside to confront a guy that insulted a model that he was with. Bean was then stabbed. When the ambulance came to take Bean to the hospital to make sure he was ok, he told them to piss off and went back in the bar to have some more drinks.

Caesar's are such a hassle to make, but the end result is wonderful.

I didn't think buying a nude suit would be this difficult.

Tim Horton's you have the worst commercials. The 2 dudes that are communicating through code to get more tim bits?

Is there going to be a day that I understand the opera?

Throwback Pepsi is stupendous, they use real sugar instead of that corn syrup garbage. Now if only they would bring back the glass bottle here as well.

I miss people liking the same music as me.

Would I reference myself as a musical snob? Yes.

Some of the words in the english language should be changed to the french version. What sounds better hat or chapeau?

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