Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just turned 33 the other day. Don't really get the people that get depressed with the older they get. You can't stop it, so why be depressed about it?

Back to School is basically in full swing now. If you are shopping for a new laptop try to stick with the Intel I3, I5, or I7 series processors.

Drove a par 4 green recently. It made me feel like Happy Gilmore. We won't tell anyone that it hit the cart path to carry that far.

Limitless - 6.6/10
Insidious - 8.3/10

Tribe Called Quest - One of the most brilliant rap bands of all time. Love the vibe of their music combined with the sunshine of the day.

Entourage has started up again for it's final season. This show was done about 3 seasons ago.

Of all things to have as an arch nemesis, mine is a dirty white dog that comes over to the cottage to pick through the garbage, and pee on every single thing at the cottage. If dog's smoked cigars this is how it would look.

Top 3 burgers other then beef.

3 - Ostrich
2 - Chicken
1 - Licks Garden Burger

Looks as though the Jays have stolen another blue chipper in Colby Rasmus from the Cardinals. A bunch of spare parts for a 24 year old centre fielder.

The Sheep Dogs are everywhere I turn. I have a day off this Sunday and they are playing the beer festival in Toronto.

Football is back as well. Can't wait.....

When you name your son Clive there is a good chance that the kid is going to be extremely awesome.

Using multiple adjectives to describe something is key to becoming an entertaining story teller.

If you need to wear an eye patch because of a surgery or injury. You should always make sure that it's black in colour. The white bandage one doesn't look near as tough.

Cane or Cape??

I own way too many bad rock t-shirts. When you own multiple White Zombie T-Shirts you know you've made some bad decisions. Great band, horrible shirts.

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