Sunday, November 20, 2011

Aaron Rodgers is having the season I have ever seen from any player in NFL history.

Black Sabbath is returning to the industry. They are releasing an album and going on tour in the New Year. Ozzy Osbourne is 107 and still touring.

In lesser news Van Halen is also returning. Get your spandex and wrestling boots with tassels on and crank up some panama.

There are some great movembers out there. Good job gentlemen.

My hatred grows for the Leafs. Is it the arrogance of Brian Burke or is it the just being a jerk of Ron Wilson. Or maybe is the absurdness of the over value of all Leaf players that the fans have. Oh by the way Leaf fans, you could have had Mike Richards for Nikolai Kulemin and Luke Schenn. Just a little salt in the wounds.

I don't know how I feel about Tim Tebow. He makes a mockery of the QB position, but he keeps on winning. My guess is that once defenses figure him out that he is in trouble. He misses throws that a Listowel Lords QB could make.

Harry Potter the Deathly Hollows part 2 - 9.1/10

Kim Kardashian divorced Kris Humphries and the public is in outrage over it. Unfortunately we are the idiots that put her in the spot light even though she has done nothing to deserve it.

Hey basketball isn't back yet. And still no one cares.

Blackberry Playbook went down to $199.99 this week. Smart move by RIM. Hit the public with a low price point right before Christmas to steal the business from Apple.

Time for Tim's - don't like the slogan.

Too many fantasy TV shows at once. The only one that I seem to be enjoying is Grimm.

There is something awesome about going into the vintages section in the LCBO and picking out a wine.

Electric Six is coming back to the Starlight lounge in Waterloo. They are a great band to see live.

Video games are becoming so story based now. It's weird to be playing a game and feel like you are watching a movie. What happened to just hopping over turtles and squishing mushroom dudes??

If you are buying a laptop for somebody for xmas, please don't buy them anything less then something that has an I3 processor built into it. Just because it says dual core doesn't mean it's fast. The AMD E350 processor is slower then my Pentium 4 that is 9 years old.

Top 3 rookie NFL players

3 - Julio Jones
2 - Cam Newton
1 - AJ Green

If I was to build a NFL team from the ground up and was told that I could have any young QB that I wanted I would take Christian Ponder from the Vikings. He reminds me of Aaron Rodgers in his first couple of years.

Thieves need to have tougher consequences for stealing. We have been guys just running into our store grabbing games and running out. No plan just grabbing and running.

Lady Gaga go away. You are about as hip as the dudes from the wassup commercials.

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