Friday, November 11, 2011

The dudes that wore those green suits to Canucks games should have made something they could have had something to drink through as their style.

Basketball might be the sport that has the hardest time coming back after a lockout/strike. The players don't seem to understand that their has been a recession for the past five years and they can't make exactly the same money as five years ago.

Clearance Halloween candy is dangerous.

Sara ran the New York Marathon last weekend. 5 hours and 55 minutes. I believe this accomplishment to be one of the toughest to achieve. I was achieving trying new beers at a local pub while watching the Bills/Jets game.

Movies that you haven't seen but you should.

3 - Garden State
2 - High Fidelity
1 - Coraline

Have you watched the Green Bay Packers play this year? If you want to watch execution at it's finest have a look.

I will be running a half marathon to support the cure of colitis this spring or summer. More details to follow.

How did the mullet come about???

How much does it cost to get the anti-aging drug that Eddie Murphy and Hulk Hogan use??

Looking into getting goalie equipment to begin playing again. Haven't played net in about 12 years. I was terrible when I played, I could only improve with age, correct??

London Drugs is an electronics store.

Battle: Los Angeles 4.8/10

What do people with moustaches that wear them full time think about Movember?? I feel the moustache people of the world are getting a raw deal and we should be raising money for their right to raise children in a pro moustache world with sunsets that set over their moustaches. I have had too much wine...

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