Friday, January 20, 2012

Caribou is touring with Radiohead in Europe. They have finally made it.

Megaupload was shut down by the US Government. If they can't make money off of it they shut it down. It's always the way it's been.

To all the ladies that love BSG. There is nothing hotter then bringing your computer in for an upgrade and having a Battlestar Galactica background on your computer. I had dudes comment on this the whole day at the store.

Real Estate - Days is the album of the year. If you haven't listened to it yet, have a listen. It takes a little bit to get into, but the reward is substantial. The single to download is "It's Real."

Sara received the floating fish in the mail recently. We haven't tried it out yet. But it looks fantastic.

Roast today in the slow cooker. Love having a vacation day on a Friday in January.

Pinot Noir you have been selected for my wine of choice for the winter. Congratulations!!

There is something comforting to sitting around a fire place with a pipe and listening to your favorite album on vinyl?

Top 3 things that annoy me on Facebook

3 - Inspirational Quotes
2 - Pictures of your injuries
1 - Status updates about problems you are having with your significant other

Talking to the younger generation at work and finding out that a lot of them haven't seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. If you are one of them, please download it this weekend.

Radiohead's live concerts are mind blowing. I have seen them in every era, after each album and they are unreal.

Niagara Falls are having some of their crazy deals again. I just recently saw $99.99 that included your meal, room, and breakfast the next day.

Green Bay and New Orleans is out. I was the one that said that the only team that could beat Green Bay was New Orleans. Shows how much I know about football.

Johnny Depp and his wife broke up. Why do people in Hollywood even get married? What's the percentage of marriages that actually last more then 5 years?

"I lose weight so friggin' easily." This is the worst thing you can say to any women I just found out.

It's funny how quickly I can go from looking clean cut to looking like a dirt ball. Just grow a goat tee while I have short hair.

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