Saturday, March 3, 2012

Got back from Panama and Costa Rica the other day. Trip was great, the highlight was sitting at a Rangers station in the dark and seeing a shadow of a creature tip-toeing right beside the picnic table we were sitting at. Turning on our head lamp hoping it wasn't some type of cat (jaguar or something similar) and realizing it was a tapir. Tapir is a mix between a big pig and a anteater.

My one and only injury occurred during trying to open a coconut. Threw it against some stairs and it came back quick and smashed me in the shin.

It took me 15 minutes to shave my beard.

The wedding in Arenal was gorgeous, I am very happy for Alana and Dave.

Best meal we had was a 6 course dinner in Bocos Del Toro. They started off with some gazpacho which was unreal, and topped it off with a wonderful steak. It was a nice anniversary meal that Sara's Mom took us out for.

We had a 3 day hike through the jungle of the Osa Peninsula. It wasn't as tough as the Colombia hike of last year, but there were some grueling parts of walking on the beach in 40 degree weather. We did about 16 hours of hiking over a 3 day period and I would say that I am in much better shape today then I was about a month ago.

On this hike we got to get up close and personal again with another Tapir, this time we were
close enough to pet it. They are very chilled animals, unless they have their children around. They were times when we were tired on the hike and we would just look up and see some monkey's on a tree some 3 feet above us just checking us out.

Walking sticks are the key to hiking in tough areas.

We also rented a cabin in the mountains of Panama for 3 nights. We got to cook our own food and do our own local hikes of the area. The highlight was sitting outside and having a kinkajou (it looks like a possum mixed with a teddy bear) start drinking from the sugar water that was meant for the hummingbirds. You could slice up some banana and the kinkajou would come right down and grab the banana with it's claws and go up to the roof eat it, throw the banana peel on the ground and come back for more. Sara's brother thought onion would be a great idea for the Kinkajou, but as everybody thought they don't like onion and it peed on Sara out of anger of the food.

Dried beans are the worst thing in history to cook.

Cacomistle (from the raccoon family) also liked the fruit and would come up on the bench we were sitting at and start enjoying the fruit we laid out. We named him Ringo. I am not sure if we named it because Ringo Starr just fed off the other Beatles like this Ringo did or not?

The trip was a great time, we enjoyed it quite a bit. We almost need a vacation from our vacation though.

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