Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why is nobody considering Erik Karlsson for MVP? I can't remember the last time that a d-man was this high in top scorers.

St. Patrick's Day lands on a Saturday this year. I feel sorry for anyone that works at a bar. It's going to be a mess that day.

Radiohead tickets were sold out in about a half hour. They sold out the around 50,000 seat downsview park where they had SARS fest. Going from seeing Caribou (who is opening for Radiohead) at the Starlight lounge with 15 other people 8 years ago to this is pretty amazing.

For how terrible the Raptors are they play hard every night and their coach is doing an amazing job with the players that they have.

I almost can't make fun of the Leafs now. They just look so lost out there every game. Where do they go from here?

Adventures of Tin Tin - 9.6/10

Top 3 movies that will make you dumber

3 - Jack and Jill
2 - Jackass
1 - Transformers

I find it funny talking to people that hated the movie "Drive." When I ask them why they hated it? The usual response is a pause then a confused look then the response. "It was too slow." Which means that they were expecting Fast and the Furious.

I feel greasy when I throw on Black Sabbath Mob Rules. Ronnie James Dio's voice drips with grease.

Reading the book "The Bullpen Gospels" if you want to read a book that doesn't Disney the life of a minor league ball player then check out this book.

Ipad 3 is out tomorrow. The difference from the Ipad 2 is that it's a little faster, and the camera is a little better. The unit is also thicker; because the battery is bigger.

Peyton Manning is a free agent. I would never thought this day would happen.

All caught up on the Walking Dead. Wow!! I didn't expect that...

Is anyone going to Ad Astra this year?

Going through the jungle requires a lot more bug spray next time. I am still getting over bites from who knows what.

BBQ busted over the winter. Need a new one, send me a message if you know of one for sale.

Golf or cottage, what have I missed more?

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