Monday, April 30, 2012

Sara leaves for Madagascar next week. Yes this is a real place, and yes it does have Lemurs.

I have had a blackberry playbook for about a month or so.  I can really only find one place that it's useful.  If you are traveling and want to watch a movie it's nice.

I find it amazing to watch drummers live.  They are the ones that carry the song, and they get zero credit for doing so.

The Flyers are currently in the second round against the Devils.  If game 1 is any indication the Devils look overmatched.

Midnight in Paris - 8.1/10

The Avengers is out this weekend.  It just looks like a big sugar cereal with no nutrients.

Why is it always hockey that has the racist comments.  Again after Joel Ward scored the series winner against the Bruins twitter was swarming with narrow minded imbeciles.

Remember Nada Surf?  Well they have a song called "When I was young" that is fantastic.

Well it looks like the hipsters are getting sick of the Jays again.  This past Sunday they had 24,000 fans out.  

Just because I don't like UFC doesn't mean I like men.  Meatheads strike again.

Finally bought another bbq.  Just a little mini one until the end of the season sales happen.  Everything taste so much better coming off of the bbq.

I watched a bit of Howard the Duck recently.  What was I thinking when I was younger?  That movie is terrible.

Saw a McDonalds commercial that was trying to convince parents that if you give a few apple slices with your happy meal then it's automatically healthy.

Paul Holmgren is not up for GM of the Year.  If you traded your two best and most popular players, and lost your best d-man at the start of the year and still finished with 104 points would you be considered a top GM?    And Claude Giroux is not up for MVP.  I hate the comment, well he wasn't the most valuable to his team.  If you are fantastic player playing for a fantastic team should you be penalized that your team is good.

I have to give some props to FOX.  They are allowing Fringe to finish up their season.  I bash them to no end, but this time I will give them the digital version of a high five.

Sunday night dominates when it comes to the best shows.  Mad Men, Amazing Race, Game of Thrones, and the Killing are all on Sunday nights.  They should maybe share with other nights.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Watching the Flyers/Penguins series has been gorgeous so far. I am not sure if I would like it so much if I was a Pens fan, but being a Flyers fan it's been joyous so far.

I have never seen Sidney Crosby this rattled before. He usually always has the right thing to say, but in this series he looks like a whiny kid.

Klondike has a commercial where if you listen to your wife for 5 seconds you win a klondike bar. Is your wife that boring?

Watching Radiohead perform at Coachella. Not quite as an electric of a performance as I am used to.

Went to the first two Jays games of the year. Opening night was electric, but way too many hipsters there. I realize that it's cool to like the Jays again, but please know something about baseball before professing your love for the Jays.

Cabin in the Woods - 9.2/10

My original XBOX has given up finally. It will be laid to rest. Many good times playing NBA live 2005.

There have been an enormous amount of cheap shots in these NHL playoffs. It's mostly goons that are running at the heads of good players. And for how nasty the Flyers series has been I haven't seen any Flyers player throw cheap shots at the stars of the Penguins heads. Same can't be said about James Neal.

Big Bang Theory is losing steam at a massive pace. Community is now the show with the best geek humor.

Dudes cannot rock ponytails. It's not possible.

The weather has made a mockery of me. Had a chance to go golfing in nice weather, but it's 1000 mph winds made it difficult.

Witnessed the most beautiful leg kicks to Rasputin on the weekend. Thanks to Jeff and Dickie for the great show.

If you get a chance to go to Seneca Casino across the border at Niagara, you will enjoy free booze, $10.00 minimum tables instead of $25.00, and a much less busier casino. Sara and I had a great time there.

2007 reserve Merlot from Kacaba Winery in Niagara was unreal. $44.95 a bottle, but it's the best red I have tasted.

Just got finished reading "The Bullpen Gospels." I really dig the in depth look into minor league baseball. All you witness when you watch or read about baseball is on the major league level. It's a nice looking glass into what baseball is really about.

Monday, April 2, 2012

I was skeptical about it as the next Flyer fan, but I must say both trades for Richards and Carter have panned out beautifully so far. Jeff Carter is injury prone and well I still think Richards is a fantastic player, Wayne Simmonds has more points then him this year and he was the throw in. And none of the players are signed for the next decade as those two are.

Going to the falls for the Good Friday this coming weekend. Got a deal where it includes dinner for 2, $50.00 gift card for the Seneca Casino, and breakfast the next morning for $139.99.

I hate that little teaser regular season baseball game in Japan. It just gives me the taste then makes me wait for a week to get into the real thing.

So there is a Niagara Falls Comic Con this summer where you can have a picture in front of a green screened Bayside High with Screech Powers. Just be careful that he doesn't slip you a roofie.

Went to a nerd pub night recently in KW. It was pretty sweet. There were three speakers. A girl that went cross country with a falcon, a girl that explained how we can love both Star Wars and Star Trek. The last speaker was fantastic. He sent a helium balloon part way into space with a camera and was able to take pictures of the earth 18 KM above the earth's surface.

Watching the Leafs/Flyers game recently. Love the "Let's go Bluejays" chant in the middle of the game.

This is sad to say, but I think the Raptors have a brighter future then the Leafs do right now. At least they play hard every night.

.40 cent wings at the Fox and the Fiddle every Sunday and Wednesday. $6.00 for 15 wings. Can't go wrong.

The Flyers and the Penguins are going to meet in the first round this year. It looks like a series for the ages. The hatred is so beautiful between those two teams. It reminds me of Colorado and Detroit back in the day.

Don't let having kids erase your personality. I do not have kids so it's easy for me to say, but I can't see how you lose interest in everything else because you have children. And I know you don't have time for anything else already, so don't even try that excuse.

Poor Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they will be the next victim of Michael Bay.

Now do we realize the only reason that Michael Bay still makes movies is because he makes a profit? If we stop seeing these movies at the theater he wouldn't have a job.

I find it funny when people get offended by something said on the internet. There is no consequence with saying things online so don't take offense.

Polica - They are a beautiful spanish band that sounds like the female version of Jim James from My Morning Jacket. Have a listen it's fantastic.

Constant Gardner - 8.7/10

Now I will leave you with something that I love.