Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Watching the Flyers/Penguins series has been gorgeous so far. I am not sure if I would like it so much if I was a Pens fan, but being a Flyers fan it's been joyous so far.

I have never seen Sidney Crosby this rattled before. He usually always has the right thing to say, but in this series he looks like a whiny kid.

Klondike has a commercial where if you listen to your wife for 5 seconds you win a klondike bar. Is your wife that boring?

Watching Radiohead perform at Coachella. Not quite as an electric of a performance as I am used to.

Went to the first two Jays games of the year. Opening night was electric, but way too many hipsters there. I realize that it's cool to like the Jays again, but please know something about baseball before professing your love for the Jays.

Cabin in the Woods - 9.2/10

My original XBOX has given up finally. It will be laid to rest. Many good times playing NBA live 2005.

There have been an enormous amount of cheap shots in these NHL playoffs. It's mostly goons that are running at the heads of good players. And for how nasty the Flyers series has been I haven't seen any Flyers player throw cheap shots at the stars of the Penguins heads. Same can't be said about James Neal.

Big Bang Theory is losing steam at a massive pace. Community is now the show with the best geek humor.

Dudes cannot rock ponytails. It's not possible.

The weather has made a mockery of me. Had a chance to go golfing in nice weather, but it's 1000 mph winds made it difficult.

Witnessed the most beautiful leg kicks to Rasputin on the weekend. Thanks to Jeff and Dickie for the great show.

If you get a chance to go to Seneca Casino across the border at Niagara, you will enjoy free booze, $10.00 minimum tables instead of $25.00, and a much less busier casino. Sara and I had a great time there.

2007 reserve Merlot from Kacaba Winery in Niagara was unreal. $44.95 a bottle, but it's the best red I have tasted.

Just got finished reading "The Bullpen Gospels." I really dig the in depth look into minor league baseball. All you witness when you watch or read about baseball is on the major league level. It's a nice looking glass into what baseball is really about.

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