Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't border agents seem like they are like the soup nazi from Seinfeld.  One pause or one studder and no America for you.

Everything is so cheap in the States right now.  We got a deal to the Sheraton in Niagara Falls with a $20.00 TGIF, $30.00 Seneca Casino, and $10.00 Starbucks vouchers for $99.99. 

Took Sara to the Buffalo airport today for her big trip to Dragoncon.  This convention might be one of the few that I am not able to handle.  My liver has a hard enough time with three days at the cottage let alone drinking hard alcohol from a flask for five days.

Avengers - 8.4/10

Yes, I finally watched it.  It was solid, my favorite character is still Tony Stark, but Hulk was a close second in this one with all of the senseless chaos that he caused.

Was in a wedding party last weekend for the last of the really close hometown friends.  Beautiful wedding at his parents place.  It is true I would love to look tough by smoking a cigar while drinking scotch, but I am a baby and always feel like garbage after I smoke the cigar.

I heard John Barrowman had frisky hands this past weekend at Fan Expo.  If anybody knows anything about John Barrowman he will hit on anything, this includes dogs I believe.

It's hard to believe what some people do to public restrooms in Tim Hortons.  Is there really gratification by doing this?  Aren't the Tim Hortons workers punished enough for having to work there?

Is there anything better then playing air guitar to "I believe in a thing called love" by the Darkness?

Poopy is the absolute worst nickname for anybody on the planet.  There is no good back story for you having this nickname.

Best thing that I have heard so far this summer -  Arrested Development coming back for season 4.
Worst thing that I have heard so far this summer - Chad Kroeger and Avril Lavigne getting married.

First song - Skater Boy:  Cake Cutting Song - Any Nickelback song, they all sound the same.

Hello Settlers of Catan.  I might have a chance to win now without Sara around to mess up my wheat production.

Have you ever wanted to try speed dating even though you are attached just to see how you would do?

Pulled Pork Sandwich should be called something else.  Anytime I hear these words put together I think of me just getting fatter. 

Back to School is at it's height right now.  It's been banana's at work.  It feels good to be busy, and it's nice that not everybody wants the biggest piece of sh** laptop that we have.

Oakland A's are still in the hunt.  They are leading the wildcard race with the Baltimore Orioles.  If you predicted this at the start of the year you are a liar.

I love to swear at items in my house that fall on the ground.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One habit that I am attempting to rid myself of is texting somebody while I am in a social atmosphere.  The other one is being online looking at your Facebook while you are having beers with a group of people.  When did this become socially acceptable?

It is overwhelming knowing all the shows that people have told me that I need to watch.  Breaking Bad, Misfits, Farscape, and Babylon 5.  You will get your turn, just relax!!

My Morning Jacket plays in the T. tonight.  I have seen them a few times, but if you have not.  You should go....

I can't see the NHL having another lockout, but if it does.  I am not sure if it can recover.

Poor Newfies and their accents.  You could be the smartest human in the world, but if you have a newfie accent, you're done!

Hotel Hell is a great new show that has Gordon Ramsay (yes he is in everything) going to hotels to try to fix their problems.  The first episode was fantastic, and when Sara and I tried to go to the website for the hotel it was impossible to get to because of the traffic.

For back to school here's 3 misconceptions about mac.

3.  There are viruses for Mac
2.  They are very expensive to have repaired.
1.  They don't make you a better person for owning one.

When I was growing up my brother owned a bunch of jean jackets that had patches on the back of them.  WASP and Kiss were the two that I remember.  Another reason why I think the '80s were from an alternate universe.

Could I do Improv?

Table Top is a show that Wil Wheaton hosts that has celebrities playing board games while Wheaton explains the rules of the games as he goes.  It's a nice show that teaches about some new games that you didn't know were available.  Keep mind sharp!!

Another successful golf tournament for Bill McLaughlin this past Saturday.  Team finished second with -9.  We bogied the first hole on the back nine.  The team that won played for a playoff at -10.  Let me vomit in my mouth for a second here.

F*** Word Search, I hate that stupid puzzle.

New Years plans are already set.  Love having a plan in place.  Also love that Karaoke is on the docket.  This year I will be using my crooning voice for good not evil.

Gin and Tonic is known as the panty dropper.  What happens when guys drink it?  Boxer brief dropper?

Battleship - 0.9/10 (I would rather watch Rachel Ray laugh for 2 hours straight)
5 Year Engagement - 6.7/10

Jason Segal is underrated, he is funny in everything that I  have seen him in.

Diet A&W Rootbeer is the best of the diets.

Here's a contest that you can't do past the age of thirty.  Eat a pack of gobstoppers, sweet tarts, and nerds back to back to back.

Big League Chew and Popeye smokes.  How are you still around?  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

When you travel, please make sure that you or whoever you are traveling with is in the picture as well.  Pictures of random scenery with nobody in the frame is about as boring as somebody discussing 50 shades of grey with me.

Facts about fifty shades of grey.

- Was originally fan fiction about twilight. 
- Could have been written by somebody that had English as their third language.
- Reading porn is the same as watching porn.  Don't think you are classier because of it.

 There are not many board games that I get excited to play, but Settlers of Catan is one of them. 

Football is back in about a month.  Buffalo Bills will compete for a playoff spot, and the New York Jets will have no more then six wins.

There is nothing better then Strange Brew on a Sunday morning at the cottage.  "Psssttt, Act! Act!"

The Nashville Predators may have to mortgage their hotels, sell their properties to the bank to afford the rent on Shea Weber's contract.  Yes, we played Monopoly as well.

Golf tournament on the weekend.  There is a slight chance of rain.  35-45mm, might be more then a slight chance, but I am optimistic.

Come on Olympics, stretch run, you can finish.  Please stop owning the highlights.  My Oakland A's are in the stretch run and are getting no love because; of the speed walking highlights?

My worst nightmare would be if Hedley and Simple Plan joined forces to start a band and I was Clockwork Oranged in a chair with a set of headphones forced over my ears.

BBQ Nachos and Jerk Steak were the latest inventions of food.  Both equally tasty.

Hunger Games will make my Bluray exclusive club.  It joins, X-Men first class, Star Trek (2009), District 9, Equilibrium, and Coraline.

Stop showing me McDonald's commercials that they are bee-bopping, singing, and dancing in the kitchen.  Have you been in a McDonald's in the past year?  People don't look like they are happy to be there or even happy to be alive.

Yes , I know we need rain, but could I have the remote control for it and have it just rain when I have nothing else going on?

Have you ever seen someone swing a golf club, and just know that there is no hope?

Kraft Dinner is a weakness of mine, at least I get the whole wheat now.

I heard a funny question recently.  Choose one of the two options.  Would you rather have a person that you love's collarbone broke every three years?  Or have every song that you ever heard sung by Alice in Chains?  Now I thought it was easy as well, but think about it.  Happy Birthday?  National Anthem?