Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't border agents seem like they are like the soup nazi from Seinfeld.  One pause or one studder and no America for you.

Everything is so cheap in the States right now.  We got a deal to the Sheraton in Niagara Falls with a $20.00 TGIF, $30.00 Seneca Casino, and $10.00 Starbucks vouchers for $99.99. 

Took Sara to the Buffalo airport today for her big trip to Dragoncon.  This convention might be one of the few that I am not able to handle.  My liver has a hard enough time with three days at the cottage let alone drinking hard alcohol from a flask for five days.

Avengers - 8.4/10

Yes, I finally watched it.  It was solid, my favorite character is still Tony Stark, but Hulk was a close second in this one with all of the senseless chaos that he caused.

Was in a wedding party last weekend for the last of the really close hometown friends.  Beautiful wedding at his parents place.  It is true I would love to look tough by smoking a cigar while drinking scotch, but I am a baby and always feel like garbage after I smoke the cigar.

I heard John Barrowman had frisky hands this past weekend at Fan Expo.  If anybody knows anything about John Barrowman he will hit on anything, this includes dogs I believe.

It's hard to believe what some people do to public restrooms in Tim Hortons.  Is there really gratification by doing this?  Aren't the Tim Hortons workers punished enough for having to work there?

Is there anything better then playing air guitar to "I believe in a thing called love" by the Darkness?

Poopy is the absolute worst nickname for anybody on the planet.  There is no good back story for you having this nickname.

Best thing that I have heard so far this summer -  Arrested Development coming back for season 4.
Worst thing that I have heard so far this summer - Chad Kroeger and Avril Lavigne getting married.

First song - Skater Boy:  Cake Cutting Song - Any Nickelback song, they all sound the same.

Hello Settlers of Catan.  I might have a chance to win now without Sara around to mess up my wheat production.

Have you ever wanted to try speed dating even though you are attached just to see how you would do?

Pulled Pork Sandwich should be called something else.  Anytime I hear these words put together I think of me just getting fatter. 

Back to School is at it's height right now.  It's been banana's at work.  It feels good to be busy, and it's nice that not everybody wants the biggest piece of sh** laptop that we have.

Oakland A's are still in the hunt.  They are leading the wildcard race with the Baltimore Orioles.  If you predicted this at the start of the year you are a liar.

I love to swear at items in my house that fall on the ground.

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