Thursday, August 9, 2012

When you travel, please make sure that you or whoever you are traveling with is in the picture as well.  Pictures of random scenery with nobody in the frame is about as boring as somebody discussing 50 shades of grey with me.

Facts about fifty shades of grey.

- Was originally fan fiction about twilight. 
- Could have been written by somebody that had English as their third language.
- Reading porn is the same as watching porn.  Don't think you are classier because of it.

 There are not many board games that I get excited to play, but Settlers of Catan is one of them. 

Football is back in about a month.  Buffalo Bills will compete for a playoff spot, and the New York Jets will have no more then six wins.

There is nothing better then Strange Brew on a Sunday morning at the cottage.  "Psssttt, Act! Act!"

The Nashville Predators may have to mortgage their hotels, sell their properties to the bank to afford the rent on Shea Weber's contract.  Yes, we played Monopoly as well.

Golf tournament on the weekend.  There is a slight chance of rain.  35-45mm, might be more then a slight chance, but I am optimistic.

Come on Olympics, stretch run, you can finish.  Please stop owning the highlights.  My Oakland A's are in the stretch run and are getting no love because; of the speed walking highlights?

My worst nightmare would be if Hedley and Simple Plan joined forces to start a band and I was Clockwork Oranged in a chair with a set of headphones forced over my ears.

BBQ Nachos and Jerk Steak were the latest inventions of food.  Both equally tasty.

Hunger Games will make my Bluray exclusive club.  It joins, X-Men first class, Star Trek (2009), District 9, Equilibrium, and Coraline.

Stop showing me McDonald's commercials that they are bee-bopping, singing, and dancing in the kitchen.  Have you been in a McDonald's in the past year?  People don't look like they are happy to be there or even happy to be alive.

Yes , I know we need rain, but could I have the remote control for it and have it just rain when I have nothing else going on?

Have you ever seen someone swing a golf club, and just know that there is no hope?

Kraft Dinner is a weakness of mine, at least I get the whole wheat now.

I heard a funny question recently.  Choose one of the two options.  Would you rather have a person that you love's collarbone broke every three years?  Or have every song that you ever heard sung by Alice in Chains?  Now I thought it was easy as well, but think about it.  Happy Birthday?  National Anthem?

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