Saturday, August 17, 2013

Went to a metal show last night.  This just proves that music always sounds better live.  Really enjoyed the show, and the band that I went to see in particular put on a great show. 

At our townhouse complex there is a kid that feeds that rabbits near by with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and other vegetables.  One day he put out left over burgers and steak.  The townhouse complex might be in trouble if the rabbits become carnivores.  Have you seen Monty Python the Holy Grail?  Rabbits shooting straight for my neck would be a frightening way to get to the car.

Pain and Gain - 8.0/10

The Rock has some pretty good acting chops when it comes to comedy.  Maybe he should stop the typical out for revenge with a baseball bat movies and focus on this.  Or maybe he should just keep on working out.  Option two is probably more realistic.

Portlandia - I have never seen a show quite like it.  It has quite a few Kids in the Hall themed sketches.  It's very hit and miss.  If it hits it's wonderful, if it misses it misses badly.

My Ipod Classic has passed away.  We had many great times together.  I attempted to resuscitate it by singing National songs into the bottom of it, but this did not work.  It was pronounced dead at 1:03PM on Tuesday.

Many of you like Red Lobster.  Whenever I envision somebody that proclaims that Red Lobster is their favourite restaurant.  I always envision a man with slick backed hair, wearing a terrible striped shirt tucked into his too tight of slacks with 3 children, and a wife that has a Peggy from Married with Children type hair and heels on.  This seems very specific, but I believe necessary for this segment.

Sara purchased an Aaron Rodgers jersey and a cheese head for me to wear for our adventure to the beautiful city of Detroit for the Thanksgiving game.  I have begun to workout to make sure that I look intimidating on this day.  I plan on deepening my voice even a little further to come across as someone that you don't want to mess with.

Cyclops had it rough as a X-Men character.  Wolverine was always stealing his woman, and he always had to wear glasses or he shot lasers out of his eyes.  As a character I give him 3.3/10.

After watching film of me dancing I have decided that I have very distinct dance moves.  They more resemble a dude in the play Flashdance (if there was a play for Flashdance?) rather than Michael Jackson though.  If you would have poured water over me while I was in the chair it would have been game over.

Free samples, yes please!  I am not sure what I am going to do with one teeth whitening strip, but thank you very much.

Whenever people are typing please don't stand over their shoulder while they type.  People have never screwed up typing as much as when this is happening.

People will never bother you if you have headphones on and are getting really into your music.

Next time you would like to confuse somebody.  Take a pad of paper out and observe what they are doing while taking notes.

Can we stop with every pub calling themselves something and the something.  It's all very confusing. Sometimes I am driving around Kitchener because I thought I knew of the place, but it wasn't Fox and the Fiddle it was the Beaver and the Bulldog.   Crying in my car is the end result. 

Cigars after weddings is a tradition that I like.  Two things that don't like this tradition.  My taste buds, and my breath.

There should be a super hero that wears a 18L water container as a helmet.  I think that this helmet could take a beating without injury.

Grown Ups 2 was really, really, really funny.  Said no one ever.

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