Tuesday, January 7, 2014

 Went to Bingeman's for New Years.  Walking in the room we thought we might have made a mistake.  We were the youngest there by about 15 years.  They were just finishing dessert, and it looked as though that we were going to have to make the best out of a terrible situation.  Maybe the band would be good, and that would make the night acceptable.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  The band came out, and the dance floor was full the entire evening.  The band was fantastic, and it was refreshing not to have to worry about guys groping girls.  We also saw the white version of Sara's father which was weird.

While going to pick up medication for my aching tooth in a snow storm, I was backed into by a gigantic work truck while stopped at a set of lights.  My car felt like it went miniature similar to the Mario Cart games.  The Mazda 6 and I am alright.  Needs some frame work done, but nothing more. 

Once again Sara and I were victorious in some more contest wins.  I won two tickets, airfare, and hotel stay in Chicago to see the Penguins and Hawks play an outdoor game.  She won the same, but in New York.  Originally we thought we might have to give one back due to only one winner per household.  Coors being a beer that I always drink and never talk smack about were awesome and allowed us to keep both.

Watching Twister last night.  I remember cheering for Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton to get back together when I was younger.  They were both a**holes.  Let's drive my fiance's brand new truck into the middle of a tornado (a fu***** tornado) with her in the back seat while making jokes about how scared she was. 

Green Bay was put out in a perfectly described man's football game.  Two heavy weight teams throwing knock out punches.  Once again it was Kaepernicks legs that cost Green Bay the game.

American Hustle - 8.4/10
You're Next - 8.9/10
Enough Said - 8.5/10

Some great movies were consumed recently.  You're Next is an absolutely great horror movie.  Think of Home Alone if it was made into a horror movie.

You will never see a Smith mans eyes light up as much as when I saw a bag of Ol' Grandads Salt and Vinegar chips at the grocery store recently.  Sara's reply, "I don't even know why I eat those chips.  I don't even like them."  This prompted Daryl to silently point at the door with a hard look in his eyes.  It was described to some as the coldest glare that has been seen since the days before electricity.

Generally I am a very good Son in Law.  This past Saturday as one of my Xmas gifts for Sara's mother we as a family took her to Yuk Yuks.  What I didn't realize was that the comedy show was called Cold Dark January.  This means in English that each comic does the dirtiest set possible.  Usually I make better decisions than this.

If you are a company you are idiotic if you believe that those ads that you put up before You Tube videos would ever successfully get you any business.  You know the ones.  You can skip after 5 seconds.  There is not a person on earth that says.  "Oh let's watch this ad before the video that I want to show you."

 Reading an amazing book called "The Dinner."  It's written exactly the way that I attempt to write.  If you enjoy my blogs and think that if Daryl was more applied he could write a book.  This is the book that would have been written in a parallel universe. 

In world news.  60 polling stations were set on fire in Bangledesh.  When polling stations are being set on fire there are a lot of problems in your country.  Especially when it's 60.

When I was younger I never understood candles.  I understood that they needed to mask smells, but I never really understood why you would want them other than that.  I seem to light one now each night.  This isn't to mask a smell.  This is because it's comforting.  Sorry I fell asleep writing this.

Shad is playing at the Starlight, Caveman is playing at the Mod Club, Blue Rodeo at the Centre in the Square, and Black Sabbath at Copps.  This is my 2014 concert listing so far.  Not one of those bands sounds like each other.  Oh I am so proud of myself.  I will now down my prune juice and have that weird shot glass of pills because I am getting old.

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