Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Watching Team Canada dominate in the final two games of this tournament was nothing short of majestic.  You really had that feel of Detroit Red Wings hockey throughout the whole tournament, but especially in the gold medal game.  Puck possession and strong "d" were the name of the game.  My MVP has got to be Drew Doughty. 

Sara and I are heading to Chicago this weekend for the final one of our prizes for the Coors Light Contest.  We get to witness Chicago play Pittsburgh in an outdoor game at Soldier Field.  Very well could be a Stanley Cup preview.  7pm game of course.  Should be nice and warm there.

Really not sure how the Canadian population goes without vacationing to somewhere warm for at least a week.  This winter has been the absolute anti-christ.

My hometown has this beautiful St. Patrick's Day event that lasts two weeks.  Oktoberfest is for chumps and Paddyfest is for champs.  The winner by a landslide because you don't play fu***** polka.

Really like the Jimmy Kimmel segment of celebrities reading mean tweets about themselves.

Jonesing for some baseball.  Both to play and to watch.  I try to be active in the winter.  Or I always say I will be active in the winter, but this never happens.  The first step that I take out into the Arctic winter my body says "Yeah, good one Daryl.  Let's just get back inside before you hurt yourself." 

Dallas Buyers Club - 8.6/10
Welcome to the Jungle - 6.2/10  (Jean Claude Van Damme in a comedy role.  Actually I think most of his movies are comedy's, but this one is meant to be.)

Top 3 movies of 2013

3 - Nebraska
2 - Her
1 - Hunger Games - Catching Fire

I beat Sara at Settlers of Catan last weekend.  This is a feat for me since it so rarely happens.  The fact that she was lying on the couch sleeping until it was her turn makes no difference to me.  I will take the win.

If the American's weren't going to show up for the Bronze medal game.  Couldn't they at least done something awesome like played in old school hockey gear or bringing back the 1980 American team to play the game instead.  Would have been much more entertaining.

Scott Boras is ripping into the Jays about not making moves in the off season to keep the club competitive.  In other news he is also the agent for Ervin Santana the last prominent starter available on the free agent market.  Boras should be in the movie Wolf of Wall Street.  He is the epitome of being a douchebag.

Is there a Michael Jackson dancing school?  If there is not, why not?

If you put me in a an Art Museum and asked me to describe any art to you.  This would be the worst way to spend your time.

There was a time in my life that I was excellent at ping pong.  Not Asian excellent, but white excellent.

I am having a difficult time figuring out if I want to see Black Sabbath in Hamilton.  This is my all time favorite band and I have seen them once already 15-20 years ago.  This has to be the last time that they are touring and their new album is alright.  Also there is very little interest from friends to go to this.  One of them actually stated that he would rather see the Barenaked Ladies.  It almost came to blows.

Jurassic Park could happen I think if scientists put their mind to it.  The question might be.  Should we really be creating dinosaurs?

I miss the mornings of mimosas.  That sounds like a new Jimmy Buffet song.

Skateboarding videos of people doing tricks on the side of public stairs that have giant poles made of steel that are dangerously close to your crotch? 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I think I witnessed an inbred family on the flight back from Cancun, but I can't be quite certain.  Listing off all the signs of inbred families in my head makes me feel like a bad person so I stopped doing it.

Really like the reference that Sara and I are travel ninjas after we seamlessly went from Mexico to New York. 

Today is the first day back to work.  Ready to deal with questions involving the differences between Wireless N Dual Band 750 and Wireless Dual Band 600.

Heineken is $27.00 at the border for a 24.  In case you lived in a parallel universe that didn't have cheaper alcohol at the border.

I feel you should act a certain way at a winery.  It seems like the library of the alcohol world.  This means that you don't suplex a woman into the snow at 12:37PM on a Saturday afternoon.  Two limo's full of inebriated Americans made for some trials and tribulations in the winery area.  Overall though it was a good time.

Haven't watched a lick of Olympic Hockey yet.  Might watch the game against Latvia.  Just can't get into it until things get serious.

Hunger Games - 9.8/10
Knights of Badassdom - 6.7/10
Secret Life of Walter Mitty - 6.9/10

Really liked both Hunger Games movies.  The undertones were phenomenal in this film.  Just can't get over how good of a feel you have after watching this movie.  Jennifer Lawrence is once again flawless.

Beck - Morning Phase - 9.3/10

Did you enjoy Beck - Sea Change?  If the answer is a positive one, then purchase this record.  Straight back to the folk/blues of that album.  So far it's the best album I have heard in 2014.

Here's a test.  See how long you can go with just watching commercials on daytime TBS television.  You will have signed up for a college and been hurt in a car accident by the end of that day.

The Jays will be quite a bit better this year is my prediction.  85-77 is my guess.

There is nothing more terrifying than a giant dog flying out of a room straight towards you while you relax watching TV.  Especially when you had no idea that the person had a pet. 

Sara has a month and a half remaining in Canada before she begins her Appalachian Trail adventure.  Here's her trail journal if you would like to keep up with her amazing adventures.


Pushing someone's face into dessert is funny every time.  The consequences of that action will always be terrible though.  The fear of it happening to you is not worth the laughs you will receive.

The person that made the app flappy bird took it down. They didn't like how popular it was becoming.  Have you played that game?  The upkeep couldn't have been too tough.  Also isn't this the reason why you make an app? 

Don't like haunted houses.  Some of it is obvious and some of it is not.  At the House of Frankenstein in Niagara Falls everything went dark and then the lights came on.  I started running for some unknown reason, and ran directly into a mirror.   There were actors that asked me if I was ok.  "I am fine."  I say trying to hold back the whimpers of pain.  This was at the age of 26.

When is the last time that the Raptors and the Leafs made the playoffs in the same year?  Has it ever happened?

The Kyle Lowry dilemma is a tough one.  I am almost certain that he will leave after this year.  So the options are.

a) Trade him while his value is at an all time high and try to get a point guard back in the deal
b) Play it out and hope that you can resign him in the offseason while making a run at the playoffs.
c) Offer him a contract now and if he rejects.  Trade him!

Why in all movies and shows does that dad always look the same when he threatens you with the belt?  It looks like a version of all high school janitors should look for some reason.

When do you think Rainbow Butt Monkey's were like we need to change this band's name if anybody is going to take us seriously?  You would hope that it would be the instant that they thought of that name.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Just got back from Cancun late last night.  I can see the draw of all inclusive resorts, but they are still not for me.  This resort was top notch in every regard.  They had top of the line booze, food, and service.  We attempted to do some excursions, but they were all the canned adrenaline type of thing.  We asked if there was anything to do with hiking in the National park, spending time with a local family or seeing their culture?  There were none of these things available.  I guess Sara and I are in the minority when it comes to what we like on vacations.  In the end to each their own, but I can tell you we would much rather spend a couple of weeks in New Zealand hiking the country side for the same amount of money that this resort was valued at.

One of the weirdest things that we witnessed was the Michael Jackson show.  The performer had facial surgery done to look exactly like Michael Jackson.  Isn't this doing surgery in the third person?

Nebraska - 8.9/10

It looks as though that the Olympics have been a success so far.  It's interesting seeing some of the athletes dorm rooms.  Routers hanging from the ceiling?  One of the American Olympians was stuck in a bathroom that he had to break out of.  He later was stuck in an elevator.   This is Russian terrorism?  Locking one American athlete all around the Olympic grounds.

Valentine's Day is today.  Does anyone really feel that romantic towards this day?  Don't be fooled.  Celebrate a different day that you made up yourself.  The day that you witnessed something amazing or went somewhere cool.  Make it unique.

If you haven't read the book "Ready Player One" and are in love with the 80's, you must.  I am currently reading it and it's like eating a McDonald's Big Mac that never makes you sick and never makes you fat.

 This coming weekend we are going to venture into the States for some time with another couple.  Wineries,  snow shoeing, board gaming, visiting owls, and the jello museum will be on the docket.  The last two as you probably are going to guess came to light while driving home at 2am last night.  

Recently went to see one of my current fave bands Caveman.  The doors opened at 7pm, and if you know anything about rock shows that they generally start anywhere from 1-2 hrs from doors opening.  Caveman came out at 7:30.  We missed the complete show.  As a group we had equal sadness.  We professed our love for the band to the person selling shirts.  She then asked if we would like to meet the band.  Oh yes, I professed like a 12 year old boy meeting Tim Kerr for the first time?  I bought a piece of vinyl and the band signed my vinyl while proclaiming that I had such a great vibe.  And no, I didn't sleep with any band members. 

The owner of Imbibe has purchased the Boat House that is also in Kitchener.  They are making it a place for bands to perform and are supporting all local craft beers and food.  They are going to have a huge patio that will support over a 100 people.  Kitchener is becoming like the cool brother of the pompous Waterloo.  We all know that Cambridge is the disappointing Randy Quaid Vacation brother. 

The first great of the album of the year has arrived.

Sun Kil Moon - Benji - 8.8/10

It's mainly acoustic and is extremely addictive.  If you enjoy Iron and Wine or Mark Lanegan please consume.

One thing that caught my attention was seeing people baking in the sun as an activity.  Can anyone explain this to me?  You don't look better tanned and it's terrible for you.  No reading, no music, nothing.  Just laying there and baking. 

If people are wondering how much junk email that Sara and I get after entering all these contests.  It's a ridiculous amount.  Bergdorf Goodman and Thrifty Sue are the absolute worst.  I would like to put a virus on Bergdorf Goodman's server, but they would somehow sell it as fashion?

What do you guys think about an idea similar to Hotwire for restaurants?  You bid on different restaurants, but you don't know which restaurant it is.  If your bid is accepted you receive a 3 course meal for a much cheaper price.  I know choosing restaurants is generally about what you are feeling, but if I was able to receive a dinner from the Charcoal Steak House for 50% I would take it.
You know your dictionary on your computer thinks you are an idiot when the word you were trying to spell doesn't even make it into the possibilities on the right click.