Tuesday, July 15, 2014

There has never been someone more efficient with their technology then the people that are in the IPhone 5S commercials.  Doing spreadsheets, women pushing her two children up a giant hill and checking her iPhone for stats. They should have a commercial of somebody eating a bag of Doritos looking at their Facebook updates while wiping off their hands on their shirt.  This is reality.

- Home Run Derby was last night.
- Cespedes has won it back to back
- Cool Nike commercial giving props to Jeter
- Awesome standing ovation for Morneau

Every time World Cup season is over I think to myself maybe I will watch some soccer now.  I really enjoyed the World Cup.  Then 3 minutes into the first game.  Once again I would rather watch an episode of Gold Diggers or whatever one of the 3000 useless gold digging reality show is called in Spanish.

Fargo - 9.1/10 (TV Show)
Noah - 6.8/10
Joe - 8.0/10
Just when you think Nicholas Cage is a washed up internet joke.  He puts on a performance like he does in the movie Joe. 

Ate a Blizzard from DQ last night.  It's like Russian Roulette when you have lactose issues.  There was no bullet in the gun fortunately.

Ed the Sock was on the highlights on Sportsnet doing some sports talk.  He was actually pretty humorous.  It was really weird seeing him filtered into my weekly routine.  Eating Shreddies and watching Ed the Sock talk about the Jays seems like it should be happening only in dreams and hallucinations.

You always have these fond thoughts of Roller Coasters.  You remember the wind going through your hair.  The high that you have when you get off.  Walking away with friends.  Pushing each other into the bushes on the way to the next ride.  This isn't the case anymore.  Whiplash, having to sit down, and falling into the bushes are the new reality.

It's hard to describe what it means to be creepy.  Or having a creepy vibe.  You can pick it out of a crowd of a 100.  Try to describe it though.  It's more difficult then I once thought.

You had to really like music to carry a giant boombox around with you on your shoulder.  There would have to be somebody willing to do this in my group of friends.  Wearing a tank top, with tight black pants, and high top shoes seem like the look they needed.  Actually just a version of Run DMC.

The fist bump has gotten into the area of the handshake.  Not only do you have to worry about going in for the wrong type of hand shake.  You now have to worry whether it's going to be a fist bump or a handshake. 

No more melon in the fruit tray.  Don't put two types of melon in the fruit tray either.  I am not talking about watermelon.  Watermelon is delicious.  I am talking about that green and orange melon.  I am not going to waste my time looking up their types.

Every single avatar I make for every single video game looks extremely Spanish.  This is unintentional.  Other then the moustache of course.

When people see my drivers license they always say.  "Oh you lost a lot of weight."  It's somewhat true, but mainly I was on drugs that made my face puff up is what I would like to say.    Ah, this is the creepy vibe.  Got it!

Coldplay got a bad rap.  The first couple of albums they made were solid.  They were ripped on mainly by dudes that believed they were too manly to listen to Coldplay.  I would like to have a look at those same dudes Ipods today.

Top 3 things that happened at Big Music Fest

3 - Slash playing a dual neck guitar.  One was acoustic, and one electric.  He played a latin vibe with the acoustic and rock with the electric.
2 -  Fans being put on stage to make Steven Tyler and Joe Perry's hair look like they were blowing in the wind.  So fu***** 80's.  It was awesome.
1 - Being at a festival 30 mins from my house.  You have no idea how nice it is not worrying about a DD.

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