Sunday, November 8, 2009

I wish fake boobs were illegal. It's like a dude showing a six pack stomach, but then you go on a date and find a giant beer gut.

There's something classy about wearing a suit and having a cigar.

The Leafs looking a lot better now. Phil Kessel maybe is a better player then I gave him credit for.

Paranormal activity was solid. The last 30 minutes were extremely creepy.

Kick Boxing is a pretty good time. I never realize how much I enjoy punching things. I realized that I look ridiculous when I attempt to kick though.

Why should anyone care if 2 rappers that have never released an album and are about as smart as a branch I found outside on my walk to get my coffee ever fall in love. If you say "I do" to this then check out Real Chance of love. Sara is currently watching it and one of the challenges are that the girls have to sing a song. One of the lyrics are animals are awesome. My brain hurts.

Astounded by Bran Van 3000 is the newest retro 90's song that I have been getting into lately.

Bob Dylan most overrated musician. Saw him in concert a couple of years ago and I couldn't understand anything he was saying, and I was sober.

I hope before I die that I can grow a full face beard.

Recipe to try this evening. Slice some potatoes, spread some garlic margarine on tinfoil, lay the potatoes down, spread some montreal steak spice, and rosemary on the pototoes. Bbq till a bit crispy. Serve before the Cowboys Eagles game tonight.

Top 3 best comedy sitcoms no particular order.

- Seinfeld
- Arrested Development
- The Simpsons seasons 4-11

I wish I could just have Alan Cross tell stories to me about rock and roll all day. 2 advils, 1 gatorade, 1 bowl of chicken noodle soup, and Alan Cross to cure all hangovers.

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