Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wouldn't it be beautiful to see the Red Sox miss the playoffs after all that money spent on free agents?

Thought "How I met your mother" was done, but this past episode was brilliant.

People seem to be getting grumpier each and every day. If I see somebody that is happy all the time I think there is something wrong with them. That's sad.

Eddie Murphy is hosting the Oscars this year. Wouldn't it be great if he just did stuff from his "RAW" days??

Detroit Lions 3-0 and the Buffalo Bills 3-0. Have to love the NFL.

I am sorry female runners, there is nothing a man can do about looking. It's not our fault it would kill us not to.

Purchased a new phone with the google android operating system on it. People that own Blackberry's and IPhone's you don't know what your missing.

Arcade Fire won the Polaris award which is generally given to Indie bands that haven't really been noticed yet. Shame on the Arcade Fire for not dropping out of this and allowing another band to win. $25,000 is huge to a start up band.

Went to the wine and food festival, a bunch of wineries did a great job, but once again Gretzky's winery did the best job with the service and the wine. The art that Gretzky has there is unreal.

Hit a Sunday night ride program. Am I the only person that thinks this is a weird day to have a ride program???

Boston Pizza does a great job at marketing. Great atmosphere, mediocre food, stupidly high prices for food, but they make a killing at every location.

Sorry movie theaters I have no time for you. If you served booze and better snack food, you might have a better chance at my business.

Top 3 funniest actors

3 - Bill Murray
2 - Paul Rudd
1 - Will Ferrell

Bridesmaids - 8.9/10

Bravo to Kristin Wiig and the rest of the cast of Bridesmaids for making this movie. It doesn't always have to be a chick flick to bring out the masses.

Today could be the first day that the slow cooker gets some use.

Going to Panama and Costa Rica this February. Sara's mom has a house rented in Panama, then we are going to a wedding of a couple of close friends in Costa Rica after that. Should be another winter where I am not in the country all that much.

Dr. Who has been mighty these past three episodes. Matt Smith is starting to turn the corner as the doctor.

I hated losing Mike Richards and Jeff Carter this past year, but I am telling you right now they will win both of those trades in the end. Braydon Schenn is a Mike Richards clone and Sean Couterier is a Jeff Carter clone. And both of these guys aren't signed for the next decade for big bucks. Cudos to Paul Holmgren for having the guts to make these deals. I still hate trading the captain and my favorite player for an unknown, but I have been swayed before. See Aaron Rodgers for details.

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