Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Re-watching the Firefly episodes.  What an amazing show.  An undeserving short death.

One week ago I said that the New Jersey Devils were over matched against the Flyers.  Boy was I wrong.

Later.... with Jools Holland is a brilliant show.  I really like the fact that it's not a huge production, but still have top bands playing.  In the America's we love to over advertise and make it where the show could never live up to the hype.

Slopitch just started recently.  I remember last year where I was wearing a jacket and freezing.  This year not so much.

This whole NFL bounty is disturbing.  This might have worked in the '60s, but today, come on.  Trying to injure somebody purposefully while playing a sport is insane.

Went to Yuk Yuks recently.  It was a great time.  One thing that I love about comics is that there isn't really anything offside to make jokes about. 

It's difficult to know what to say when you are looking at an ugly baby.

It's also difficult to know what to say when a girl tells you that she thinks she is ugly, and you don't disagree.

It's been slower then usual at work recently.  Retail maybe a dying breed.  Online shopping is taking over. 

Went out to a pub recently in Guelph with a buddy.  I must say it's kind of nice to be hit on by girls that are ten years younger then me.  It's also funny to see their reaction when I tell them that I am over 30.

I haven't seen the Avengers yet, but I have heard that it's one of the few blockbusters that is living up to expectations. 

Can we just have every superhero blockbuster have either JJ Abrams or Joss Whedon involved?

I  have every movie that has been released over the past month to my disposal, and I chose to watch repeats of Firefly.  This should tell you how crappy the new releases have been.

Pet peeve - People that lose their identity when they go into a manager role.  I realize that you have a different job now, but you are still the same person, with a different title.

Radiohead records pretty much everything that they do.  I wish more bands would do this.  I love putting on just a random Radiohead concert just to see how they play.  Also love the fact that they don't try to gauge money out of me with every single thing they do.  Pay what you want for the record, brilliant.

At Polaris (scifi con) there is a contest that you can have Klingon make up put on you by professionals.  I would love to look like a Klingon for a day, but I believe that this would probably take most of the day up.  Decline!!

It's funny the first year I went to Polaris, it was my first year with Sara.  I deeply offended a Cardassian (another Star Trek race) by calling him a Klingon.  I felt like I had used a racist term, but in the end these people are not REAL.....

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