Friday, June 29, 2012

Zach Parise and Ryan Suter will both sign with Pittsburgh.  You heard it here first.

There are some great deals on  I see Rebel Creek golf course for $35.00 including cart all the time on the website.

Are you a one-upper?  Are you a person that always has a story or talent that is just a little bit better then the story or talent that is currently being talked about?  Stop doing this if you say yes to these questions.

Two of my favorite people booked a trip to Iceland recently.  I love seeing people in their early twenties going to a country that isn't normally traveled to.  I don't know one person that gets excited when you tell them that you are going to the Dominican Republic.

These big wedding productions are becoming ridiculous.  When you have to spend $60,000 on one day of your life it will never live up to your expectations.

Remember when the Macbook Air came out a few years ago?  Well now PC's are releasing ultrabooks to compete with them.  PC always seems to be a few years behind.

I am not sure if Oliver Stone is a noteworthy director anymore.

Wes Anderson's new movie called Moonrise Kingdom has just been released and is getting rave reviews.  Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, and Bill Murray.  How can you go wrong with that cast?

I understand how my parents felt when I was listening to White Zombie and Korn by hearing any band that is screamo.  I need this music off as fast as possible.

Story:  a few years ago I was at a Jays game and the dude came over and asked if anybody wanted to do the happy dance (lotto 649 dance.)  As per usual I was thrown under the bus and told that I would do it.  We had just got there and I only started my first beer.  So when the dude came back I had to chug back a few beers before dancing.  I had to dance for eight minutes straight while the camera went to each person.  When the camera finally came to me I was doing the matrix dance dodging bullets and finished it off with the cookie bake off dance. I had to beat 3 older dudes with big beer guts that were doing the fat guy dance.  I won the contest and won 649 for a year and a Jays sweater.  649 for a year netted me a cool $25.00.

It's almost better that I have a bigger beer gut to do Mexican Batman this year.  Mexican Batman had too many tacos in the five years since he fought crime. 

Fish tacos are tasty, but they need to change the name to something else.  My brain goes else where when I hear the words Fish taco put together.

Keep your shirt on if you are a dude walking in downtown Kitchener please.  No one needs to see a shirtless man with a cigarette in his mouth walking on the sidewalk.

Women don't rock the suit enough.  There is nothing quite as gorgeous as a woman wearing a black suit with a bow-tie.

Natalie Portman or Mila Kunis?

I love having a smokey baritone voice. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Was in the T dot for the past few days checking out all of the new technology for back to school.  Coolest thing I saw was a wireless usb flash drive.  Meaning you could put pictures or movies on it and access it from any computer.  You could be upstairs and access a movie from it, while your wife is accessing pictures from it.

One thing I don't understand is how a high end hotel can have such terrible food. 

Just finished watching Game of Thrones season 2.  I am not sure that TV can be any better then that.

Stage collapsed at the Radiohead concert as you probably know.  I could have picked twenty things that might have happened to prevent the concert rather then that.  Thom Yorke losing his voice from drinking too many Pabst Blue Ribbons was one of them.

I work in Cambridge, they are a lot of Portuguese people in Cambridge, they enjoy honking their horns when Portugal is victorious in Euro Cup.  What happened to going to a bar and having a round of beers that you cheers to?

I have never seen anything like the Jays went through last week with losing three starting pitchers due to injury within the game. 

There are rumors of the Jays going after Jeremy Guthrie.  If you know anything about Jeremy Guthrie he is about as average as Kings of Leon are as a band.

Learn how to spell, it's a very useful talent.  It can make you look intelligent even if you are not.

LPGA is currently in Waterloo at Grey Silo for a tournament.  This is one of two sports that I would go watch female athletes play and have an interest in it.  The other would be tennis.

There would be nothing worse for me then having to go through a museum full of art and have to describe each painting.

Exotic Marigold Hotel (this in not an adult movie)  8.1/10

I miss Blind Melon, they were an underrated band that had a wicked jam feel when the world was ruled by grunge.  They did their own thing, and the albums that they put together were under appreciated.  Skip over No Rain and listen to everything else you 102.1 Edge Monkey's.

Zoup - Is a Waterloo restaurant that is about the best lunch place I have been to.  Salad's, soups, and sandwiches.  If you are looking for a business to invest in, this place is packed everyday at lunch.

Bbq'ing and being in the middle of cooking a steak and running out of propane is the worst thing that can possibly happen to somebody in the middle of summer.  I have never said f*** so loud in my life.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First time at the cottage this year.  It was beautiful, parents got this new game that involves throwing a frisbee basically at something that is similar to a garbage can. You play in teams of two and you can deflect it into or off of the garbage can and receive points.  Sounds simple, come to the cottage and try it.  More difficult then it sounds.

Radiohead is this coming Saturday.  I am not a big fan of outdoor concerts, but I couldn't pass this one up.

Prometheus - 8.5/10

Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender are both spectacular in this movie.

True Blood is back, is there any character on the show that doesn't have some type of power? 

My parents almost named me Randy Smith, my life would have been completely different with the name Randy.  I would have a mini van of kids touring up to Grand Bend to watch the motor speedway.

Going through the Starbucks drive thru takes at least three to four points off of my toughness meter.

Is Vin Diesel intelligent?  Just the sound of his voice sounds like he is lifting weights while talking.

 The drugs that I need to take for Colitis cost $5,400 a dose, my benefits cover it, but if I didn't have benefits I would have to have surgery most likely.  I find this to be ludicrous that anyone can charge this much for medication.

Checking out some of the smoke packs lately (I don't smoke) the pictures are disturbing.  I guess this is the point, but I can't even look at them.

There has been points of this year that I haven't done something because of the price of gas.  This is the first time of my life that this has ever been a decision based upon this.

Extra lean ground beef, carmelized onion, tandoori spice, and a little bit of bread crumbs.  Try this for your next burger recipe. 

Stephen Strasburg pitches against the Jays in Toronto tomorrow at 12:30.  If you are going to go to any Jays game this might be the one to go to.  He's going to be the best pitcher in the world within two years and they also have Bryce Harper on this team.  Washington will be a team to be reckoned with for years.

There is a new drug that is similar to LSD that is making people want to chew on human flesh.  Is this a selling point for people?  This seems like the last thing I would want to do while high.

What is with white beers in the summer?  I just get an instant craving for it as soon as the weather hits 25 degrees.

3D still stinks, Prometheus was in 3D and it was useless.  3D should only be used in porn.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

People looked a lot tougher in the 70's.  Just something about the hairstyles, beards, and mustaches that made them look tough as nails.

No I haven't seen the Avengers yet, and I don't want to talk about it.

DJ'd last night for a buck and doe.  Good times had by all, I can't believe how strict the Ag Hall is compared to what it used to be like.  You could walk in with a liquor bottle in a brown paper bag, with no pants on, and no one would bat an eye.

Is Jose Bautista's five o'clock shadow permanent?

Sara is at a authentic Italian restaurant in the city tonight.  Not even a free meal is incentive enough to venture into Toronto and cripple my afternoon of watching Bluejays baseball.

I find that people are giving the finger more and more when they are driving.  This is something that I have never done.  I have never been mad enough driving to flip someone off.

Story:  Girl comes up to me last night while we I am dj'ing.  She explains to me that people in the city have a different way of mixing things and that I should follow a certain pattern when playing music and flow into whatever the people are dancing to.  I sarcastically thank her for her advice, and ask her what city she is referring to thinking Toronto.  She tells me Kitchener and she then tells me that she is hitting the buck and doe circuit.  This blew my mind.

How much money would need to be offered to name your child Socrates?

Reading the Hunger Games right now.  It's an excellent book.  You only need to be concerned if I start reading Twilight.

Quibids - You have probably have seen the commercial of IMAC's going for $54.00 and all that nonsense.  Each bid that you have costs you .70.  So you could bid on an item 20 times and not get it.  It's just like gambling.  The old saying is true, if it looks like it's too good to be true, it probably is.

The show "Louie" is on FX, it's basically the life of Louis CK.  It's a very interesting show, part standup, and part simple life story.  It's like no other comedy on TV right now.

David Duchovny with the proper writer is brilliant. 

Sex addicts - Isn't this every man in the world.