Saturday, June 2, 2012

People looked a lot tougher in the 70's.  Just something about the hairstyles, beards, and mustaches that made them look tough as nails.

No I haven't seen the Avengers yet, and I don't want to talk about it.

DJ'd last night for a buck and doe.  Good times had by all, I can't believe how strict the Ag Hall is compared to what it used to be like.  You could walk in with a liquor bottle in a brown paper bag, with no pants on, and no one would bat an eye.

Is Jose Bautista's five o'clock shadow permanent?

Sara is at a authentic Italian restaurant in the city tonight.  Not even a free meal is incentive enough to venture into Toronto and cripple my afternoon of watching Bluejays baseball.

I find that people are giving the finger more and more when they are driving.  This is something that I have never done.  I have never been mad enough driving to flip someone off.

Story:  Girl comes up to me last night while we I am dj'ing.  She explains to me that people in the city have a different way of mixing things and that I should follow a certain pattern when playing music and flow into whatever the people are dancing to.  I sarcastically thank her for her advice, and ask her what city she is referring to thinking Toronto.  She tells me Kitchener and she then tells me that she is hitting the buck and doe circuit.  This blew my mind.

How much money would need to be offered to name your child Socrates?

Reading the Hunger Games right now.  It's an excellent book.  You only need to be concerned if I start reading Twilight.

Quibids - You have probably have seen the commercial of IMAC's going for $54.00 and all that nonsense.  Each bid that you have costs you .70.  So you could bid on an item 20 times and not get it.  It's just like gambling.  The old saying is true, if it looks like it's too good to be true, it probably is.

The show "Louie" is on FX, it's basically the life of Louis CK.  It's a very interesting show, part standup, and part simple life story.  It's like no other comedy on TV right now.

David Duchovny with the proper writer is brilliant. 

Sex addicts - Isn't this every man in the world.

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