Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First time at the cottage this year.  It was beautiful, parents got this new game that involves throwing a frisbee basically at something that is similar to a garbage can. You play in teams of two and you can deflect it into or off of the garbage can and receive points.  Sounds simple, come to the cottage and try it.  More difficult then it sounds.

Radiohead is this coming Saturday.  I am not a big fan of outdoor concerts, but I couldn't pass this one up.

Prometheus - 8.5/10

Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender are both spectacular in this movie.

True Blood is back, is there any character on the show that doesn't have some type of power? 

My parents almost named me Randy Smith, my life would have been completely different with the name Randy.  I would have a mini van of kids touring up to Grand Bend to watch the motor speedway.

Going through the Starbucks drive thru takes at least three to four points off of my toughness meter.

Is Vin Diesel intelligent?  Just the sound of his voice sounds like he is lifting weights while talking.

 The drugs that I need to take for Colitis cost $5,400 a dose, my benefits cover it, but if I didn't have benefits I would have to have surgery most likely.  I find this to be ludicrous that anyone can charge this much for medication.

Checking out some of the smoke packs lately (I don't smoke) the pictures are disturbing.  I guess this is the point, but I can't even look at them.

There has been points of this year that I haven't done something because of the price of gas.  This is the first time of my life that this has ever been a decision based upon this.

Extra lean ground beef, carmelized onion, tandoori spice, and a little bit of bread crumbs.  Try this for your next burger recipe. 

Stephen Strasburg pitches against the Jays in Toronto tomorrow at 12:30.  If you are going to go to any Jays game this might be the one to go to.  He's going to be the best pitcher in the world within two years and they also have Bryce Harper on this team.  Washington will be a team to be reckoned with for years.

There is a new drug that is similar to LSD that is making people want to chew on human flesh.  Is this a selling point for people?  This seems like the last thing I would want to do while high.

What is with white beers in the summer?  I just get an instant craving for it as soon as the weather hits 25 degrees.

3D still stinks, Prometheus was in 3D and it was useless.  3D should only be used in porn.

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