Monday, January 7, 2013

Hockey is back.  For the people that aren't going to give their hard earned money to the NHL because of the lockout.  You think that both sides are greedy, and don't deserve your attention.  I agree with you.  Now drop the puck so I can watch my Flyers play.

Was sick for a couple of days so.....  Once again!

The Hobbit - 6.8/10
Zero Dark Thirty - 9.2/10 (Should be up for best picture)
This is 40 - 7.0/10
The Impossible - 8.5/10 (If you don't get choked up in this movie you are not human.)

The Hobbit was actually better then expected.  I am just not ready to delve back into Middle Earth.  The Lord of the Rings movies were so drawn out that it feels like you are chewing some flavorless big league chew.

Homeland - I would like to apologize for assuming that I wouldn't like you, deepest regrets, Daryl.

Have you ever witnessed someone in the friend zone, and just wanted to tell them that it was never going to happen.  It's a very sad scene indeed.  Rule of thumb.  If they confide about the person they are with, or the person that they are interested in you then you are in the zone.

If deep fried food was healthy, what a wonderful world it would be.

Bill Cosby was talking jive on Fallon the other night.  I thought it was wonderful by how thrown off Fallon was by the whole situation.  It reminded me of when Will Ferrell dressed as Robert Goulet for an episode of Conan.  If you can come out and just improvise the whole time you are on camera you have my instant respect.

Dave Grohl is producing a documentary about a studio just outside of LA that has made some of the best albums of all time.  Now if he could just make some music that is as cool as this.

Whiny nasal voiced rock or Sreaming lead singers?

Watched the Redskins and Seahawks game, and I cringed every time that I saw RG3 run.  How could you leave your franchise QB in there against such a great defense without the ability to run?

Each hockey fan should get to line up with a chance to slap Gary Bettman in the face.  Similar to the Airplane movie.

If you have a full head of hair and you shave it bald after the age of 30 you should be forced to watch the Seinfeld episode about this exact thing. 

Have you ever met a person that isn't interested in anything?  These are the people that sit on airplanes and stare at the back of the seat in front of them.

The second worst job in the history of the world.  Bill collector, worst job.  The dude that back in the day had to wear a suit with honey on it so the bugs would go to him and not land on the guests.

Screech Powers wrote a book of a tell it all behind the scenes of Saved by the Bell.  I shouldn't be intrigued, but I am.

They should have a throw back game of hockey will all of the old equipment.  I really enjoyed that old proline commercial.

Green Bay/Denver Broncos final this year, should be a good one.

Never ask anyone what their deepest darkest secret is.

Why do all scientists look and act like Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future?  Even my prof in High School never combed his white hair.

If somebody has told you something that you could care less about.  Just say in a very sarcastic tone.  "Oh that's nice."  They will never waste your time again.

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