Friday, December 20, 2013

President's Choice has decided to make a new type of pop.  The Decadent Chocolate Soda?  Nothing says Christmas like Chocolate soda.  This is such a terrible idea that I can't think of anything witty for the end of this segment.

Is anyone really shocked that the dude from Duck Dynasty made anti-gay remarks?  Tell us what you think about people that aren't Caucasian as well. 

Don Jon - 8.8/10
The Spectacular Now - 7.9/19

The Spectacular Now is a sometimes difficult to watch movie of a kid following the same path of his father.  It's a tough watch in certain parts, but good movie overall.  It's not a complete drama, it's got some humour to it as well.   Shailene Woodley is very good in it.

Christmas time is approaching steadily.  If you debate whether or not you say Merry Christmas.  I could really care less.   It doesn't really matter what your type of Christmas is.  Whether it's based on religion, family, holidays, or all of the above.  Just be good to people and yourself and it will be a successful day.

Sara wants to do a YouTube sketch of putting stuffed animals on my laptop when I am trying to make my lineup for fantasy sports.  I joked that it would upset me knowing that it wouldn't.  Then it really did upset me.  Stuffed animals wore thrown on the floor in anger while I tried to look up Matt Duchene stats.

Top 3 of things that would have me running to the hills if they turned on my significant other.

3 - Domination (I can barely handle a pin prick from a needle)
2 - Animals used in any sort.
1 - Furries - I don't get it and I will never get it.  And isn't it extremely hot inside that suit.

Apple Computers are not invincible in case you thought other wise.  They are not like Hercules standing on a Mount Olympus with a ring on, and lightning striking all around him.  They also aren't like Hulk Hogan shaking his head and walking around the ring with his head down, and then shaking his finger at you as well.

I feel that men with hot tubs try to lure people into their hot tubs.  I don't get to use the word lure too often.  I guess it's only here and kids getting lured into vans.

Read an article about how Randy Carlyle job was completely safe.  I never really considered it to not be safe.  Living in a Maple Leaf society can make a man insane.  Oh by the way Joe Bowen.  I am not sure if you have professed your love for the Leafs quite enough yet?  Maybe you can teach Dion Phaneuf how to spell?

Betheny is a talk show about everything terrible.  There was a girl watching it in the lunch room.  It was about a website that men bribe women with gifts to go on dates with them.  This is everything wrong in the world on one website.  Women that just want to be trophy dates and receive stuff just for looking good.  Or men that need to bribe women so that they can have a hot woman by their side to either look good or have some confusing idea that this might actually work.  Sorry that I have wasted your time with this.  Might as well finish it with these thoughts.  Honey Boo Boo, Real Housewives, Kardassians, and Miley Cyrus.

There are some people that I know that have certain stances that look comfortable.  I try to emulate these stances and am not able to pull it off as well.  There should be a school for this.

Nothing better than seeing a man behind a sewing machine with pins in his mouth and pumping the peddle like a mad man.

If U2 came to Kitchener I don't think I would go.  They are the absolutely most overrated band in the history of the world.  I would see Weird Al before U2.

When I go out with certain friends I turn into the Funny One.  I prefer the hot one that's got it all going on, but sometimes I have to play second fiddle.

Almost finished Breaking Bad.  Bryan Cranston you are my everything.

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