Monday, October 20, 2014

If you can't get behind the KC Royals in the Major League Baseball world then you don't have a sports soul.  They represent everything great about sports.  Building within the organization, making major trades instead of signings to solidify things, and play a smart brand of baseball.  This shows that you can build it from within and don't have to have millions and millions of dollars spent on free agents. 

Sara and I went to a lobster meal at McMullen's yesterday.  Eating lobster with a bunch of strangers at the same table is dangerous when you have no idea what you are doing.  I am sure they were sprayed by butter multiple times, but pretended that they weren't blinded by a shot of butter to the eye.

Wish I Was Here - 5.9/10
22 Jump Street - 8.3/10

Wish I Was Here was the long awaited follow up to Garden State by Zach Braff.  He has fallen out of touch with the what's needed to make a film hip.  I know it's hard to stay cool Zach.  You have to know that you are hip, but can't act like it.   It's confusing.

Sara and I booked our trip to Portugal.  Hearing about her trip through Spain made me think that I would probably really enjoy that trip.  With the goodness of her heart she booked a trip for us very similar to what she already did so I can experience a small taste of it.  I am sure I didn't have to twist her rubber arm all that much with it being half price and knowing what Portugal had to offer for food and wine though. 

Sliding into second base in a championship game in slopitch still isn't worth it.  The injury is in the exact spot where your knees bend.  You feel that?  It's hard to bend down without bending your knees.  So if you see me laying down doing something.  It's not because I am lazy.  It's because I am stupid and slid in a slopitch game.

Cruises have come a long way.  I haven't been on one, but have been described what it's all about.  We went to Bingeman's to get some knowledge on exactly what cruises can offer us.  Celebrity Cruises has a level on their ship that has real grass where you can play bocce ball and croquet.  If you have a cabin that doesn't have a balcony there is a screen that shows a video of what's going on outside so it's not dark constantly in your room. We were always worried that we would run out of things to do.  The technology and entertainment makes it look like this would probably never happen.  It also looks very dangerous with having a bracelet that swipes to order drinks. 

We are always looking for witty ideas for costumes.  The more we look, the dirtier the costumes become.  Only you know why you wear the costumes that you do.  If you want to be a female Mario from the Mario video games that for some reason has massive cleavage and uses the plunger for other reasons then just for plumbing.  You go right ahead this is the night that no one judges. 

Oktoberfest just passed.  We won tickets to two events. We took part in the free breakfast.  We were in the same park searching for a key at 6:30am that the $3,000 prize was found.  We drank Oktoberfest inspired beers.  Our non-German heritage spilled out of us for one week.  Your clothes and food are still shitty though.

Was pressed to get away from my usual cookbook this week by Sara.  Made a Beef Korma Udon Noodle dish, Duck Egg Omelet, and wine and herb salmon with sauteed leeks.   Sara has mastered selling me on making her foods while making me believe that I was the one that came up with the idea. 

There should be something built into us that allows us to fly for 1 minute at any point of our existence.  You can use it any point, but once it's gone it's gone. Most people would use it to get chips while high on a Saturday night.

When you don't know that there is a zombie walk going on in the city, and only see one person that appears to be a lady with smeared lipstick smoking a cigarette while crossing the road in downtown Kitchener is scary and confusing.

If you don't know how to stop why do you skate as fast as possible and slam into the boards?  Seems like taking it slow would be the better decision.

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