Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Frank Ocean, I apologize for not giving you a chance earlier. 

Listening to 80's music for 24 hours straight will make you hallucinate something extremely powerful.

Had a dream last night that I was babysitting a kid, but had no idea who he was.  The end of the dream ended with me being in New York without the keys to my apartment and no wallet or phone.  Now that's a nightmare.

Big Brother is back.  There are no words to describe my love for this show. 

Grizzly Bear is coming to town soon.  Tickets are booked. 

Peach and Mango salsa.  According to Sara it's the bees knees.

When you hear the instrument the sitar.  Your brain instantly transforms you into a dude high on LSD in the back of a Volkswagon van with a women wearing a flowery dress shimmering in an odd manner that is both frightening and calming.

For my birthday weekend we will be attempting costumes from the website People of Walmart.  If you don't know what this is, Google it and have a disgusting laugh.  I was thinking of having a cabbage patch doll and hanging on to it only by it's foot upside down.

I am not sure why everyone of my costume ideas involves looking disgustingly awful.  See my attached Facebook profile pic for details.

Wes Anderson, the only director that I go to an art house theater to go see his movie.

Rum Runners Pub, my pub of choice.  I seem to prefer the dark,dank, downstairs feel of a pub versus the the upscale fakeness of a Boston Pizza or Charcoal group restaurant.  The beer on tap always seems to be better with more interesting people to talk to.

Again went to Yuk Yuks recently, another stellar comic.  There is nothing better then having your stomach hurt from laughing too much.

Steve Earle is gigantic now.  Copperhead Road must have too many McDonald's on it now.

Am I getting old or is American Apparel the loudest store of all time?  Sara needed to go there to pick up clothing and I felt like I was at a concert of every type of music that I hated right beside the speaker.

The marble rye bread that was on Seinfeld looked very appetizing.  I understood why George's father stole it back after the dinner party.

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